Far right leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor threatened on Monday the politicians, journalists and secret service officers that may ever bother him that he carries a gun and he is ready to defend himself "as a man", in case he is attacked. The senator is upset because a couple of tabloid journalists took pictures of him in a restaurant last week.
Corneliu Vadim Tudor declared on the Senate's hallways that he has a gun "to defend his children" and that his bodyguards are armed as well. "It is the last warning I give you, even to some of the people in this room. shame on you, you are ready to commit political assassinations!", Vadim yelled.
The Great Romania leader accused several politicians, mostly former members of his party, of plotting his discrediting through the media. Far right leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor threatened on Monday the politicians, journalists and secret service officers that may ever bother him that he carries a gun and he is ready to defend himself "as a man", in case he is attacked. The senator is upset because a couple of tabloid journalists took pictures of him in a restaurant last week.
Corneliu Vadim Tudor declared on the Senate's hallways that he has a gun "to defend his children" and that his bodyguards are armed as well. "It is the last warning I give you, even to some of the people in this room. shame on you, you are ready to commit political assassinations!", Vadim yelled.
The Great Romania leader accused several politicians, mostly former members of his party, of plotting his discrediting through the media.