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V.O., HotNews

1042 articole publicate pe HotNews 34 in iul. 2011
Data Articol
28 iul. 2011 Pe scurt: "bye Ador 2011" - editie speciala a festivalului romanesc de publicitate. Doua noi cursuri la Media School
27 iul. 2011 Grupul CME, care detine posturile din reteaua Pro: venituri in crestere in primul semestru, la nivel de regiune si in Romania
26 iul. 2011 Argentina drops friendly match in Bucharest, Romania says would turn to FIFA in the case
26 iul. 2011 Romanian fiscal authority inspectors notify anti-graft prosecutors about opposition leader Victor Ponta and Senator Dan Sova
26 iul. 2011 Pe scurt: Incep inscrierile la o noua editie a concursului Tanarul Jurnalist al Anului. Eugen Chelemen - de la Adevarul la Realitatea. Un nou serviciu Etarget
25 iul. 2011 Romanian PM Boc at talks with IMF delegation head Franks: We're out of recession but need to be cautious and not return to populism
25 iul. 2011 Romanian deputy calls for parliamentary inquiry as Romania has been lacking an ambassador to China for nine months
25 iul. 2011 Doi judecatori si un ofiter de politie intra in clasamentul The Guardian al celor mai puternice personalitati din Marea Britanie
25 iul. 2011 Russia relates Romanian President's statements on WW2 events to risk of fascism emergence in Europe
22 iul. 2011 Romanian MEP Adrian Severin under criminal inquiry for bribe taking and traffic of influence
18 iul. 2011 Radio Dolce Sport se relanseaza
18 iul. 2011 Inca un sef al Politiei Metropolitane si-a dat demisia in scandalul interceptarilor ilegale din Marea Britanie
18 iul. 2011 How warheads get stolen in Romania: train machinist allegedly smuggles diesel, gendarmes reportedly watch TV while on duty
15 iul. 2011 Ionut Oprea se retrage din functia de director executiv IAB Romania
14 iul. 2011 France Ambassador to Romania faints during 14th of July ceremony, PM Emil Boc catches him
14 iul. 2011 More than 100 raids in several Romanian cities targeting $20 mln. computer fraud
14 iul. 2011 Scandalul telefoanelor interceptate de ziaristi: Imperiul mediatic creat de Rupert Murdoch ar putea fi condus de un personaj din afara familiei
14 iul. 2011 Romanian PM Emil Boc says Environment minister will stay despite inquiry
13 iul. 2011 Scandalul News of the World traverseaza Atlanticul: Un senator cere investigatii si in SUA
13 iul. 2011 Ultima lovitura pentru "Rupert Mubarak" in scandalul interceptarilor ilegale: News Corp renunta la oferta pentru BSkyB
13 iul. 2011 Pe scurt: Sef nou la Media Point. GfK monitorizeaza publicitatea radio pentru BRAT
12 iul. 2011 Public TV station: Romania Environment minister Laszlo Borbely suspected of traffic of influence
12 iul. 2011 French Ambassador to Bucharest: French business people told me they were demanded bribes in Romania. End of 2012 - best target for Romania's Schengen admission
12 iul. 2011 Romanian National Bank sets rate at 4.28 RON/Euro. All currencies in the regions down. Dealers say buying is aggressive but no need to panic
11 iul. 2011 INTERVIEW Bulgarian minister Tomislav Donchev: Bulgaria absorbed five times more funds in 2010 than in 2007-2009
11 iul. 2011 President Basescu says Romania adopted crisis measures one year before other countries
11 iul. 2011 Bacalaureatul posturilor de "stiri": cazurile CTP si Funeriu
08 iul. 2011 UPDATE Fostul director de comunicatii al premierului britanic, arestat in scandalul News of the World. David Cameron: E nevoie de un nou sistem de reglementare media, nu mai e suficient ca ziarele sa-si stabileasca singure regulile
07 iul. 2011 Scandal urias la Londra: Interceptarile ilegale facute de un tabloid al magnatului Rupert Murdoch zguduie scena politica si mediatica
06 iul. 2011 Pe scurt: Date noi despre interactiuni pe Facebook. Un nou director la Medien Holding. BRAT monitorizeaza publicitatea radio
05 iul. 2011 Pe scurt: Intact Media Group lanseaza revista de media The Industry. Un nou format pentru Zile si Nopti
05 iul. 2011 Adrian Ursu - sef de integrare editoriala la Intact
04 iul. 2011 Romania 2011 Baccalaureate shocks nation as less than half students pass exam
01 iul. 2011 Heineken - parteneriat global de publicitate semnat direct cu Google