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2008 (4)
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A.C. (10)
06 feb. 2015 HotNews A.C.
Varful Papusa, in judetul Gorj, potrivit Mediafax. Sorin a reusit sa surprinda experienta pe camera ...
20 dec. 2013 HotNews A.C.
, noteaza Mediafax. Ceata reduce vizibilitatea si in unele zone din judetele Gorj, Olt si Dolj ...
22 sept. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Basescu I do not have any public function, I am just a deputy of Gorj. I am a prosecutor and this is why ...
08 sept. 2010 HotNews A.C.
this phenomenon was registered were Valcea, Olt, Gorj and Buzau. A school inspector that ...
23 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
counties in South Romania like: Arges, Dambovita, Ilfov, Olt, Valcea, Gorj, Mehedinti and Teleorman ...
16 aug. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Basescu did not miss the opportunity either and attended the ceremony at Tismana Monastery, in Gorj ...
10 dec. 2008 HotNews A.C.
reached Arges, Gorj, Vaslui, Alba, Cluj, Caras Severin, Dambovita, Maramures, Timis, Olt, Bistrita ...
04 dec. 2008 HotNews A.C.
College 1: Cezar Magureanu (PNL) College 2: Vasile Mustatea (PNL) GORJ Chamber of Deputies ...
02 iun. 2008 HotNews A.C.
. Giurgiu: Dumitru Beianu (PNL) 15. Gorj: Ion Calinoiu (PSD) 16. Hunedoara: Ioan Mircea Molot (PNL ...
25 mar. 2008 HotNews A.C.
Temperatures in Gorj, South West Romania fell on Monday night as heavy snow installed in the region ...