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26 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu declared in an interview for RFI radio. The statement ...
18 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
. According to Radio Free Europe, Voronin accused governing parties of seeking to transform European ...
07 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
belongings of Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran announced at Radio Romania Actualitati that he will donate ...
manuscripts a day before the auction, after hearing at RFI radio station an interview with a French ...
26 feb. 2011 Cancan A.C.
În concluzie, aceştia au creat prăjitorul de pâine cu radio. Dotat cu difuzoare, butoane pentru ...
10 feb. 2011 HotNews A.C.
, President Basescu said for the public radio, Radio Romania Actualitati. He said that he asked the main ...
25 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
, unions, business associations, banks and civil society. According to Radio Romania Actualitati ...
21 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
National Bulgarian Radio declared that some of the customs officers requested different sums in dollars ...
21 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
“manele” singer Florin Salam was broadcast on BBC Radio One. Democrat Liberals count on the Romanian ...
meat. Gandul reads on Friday that a Romanian “manele” singer, Florin Salam, was broadcast on BBC Radio ...
12 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
sectors, Bodo Hombach said, quoted by RFI radio. In an interview for the national radio station ...
07 ian. 2011 Cancan A.C.
, insa, s-au schimbat radical dupa ce Ted, care a fost inzestrat cu o voce numai buna pentru radio, a ...
internet, iar Williams a inceput sa fie cautat de zeci de posturi de radio si televiziune, dornice sa ...
drogurile si alcoolul, va da uitarii saracia pentru vecie. Postul de radio WNCI, de exemplu, a anuntat ...
07 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
be the modernization of the labour market. According to Radio Romania Actualitati, the board will ...
26 nov. 2010 Cuvantul Liber A.C.
National Mures, dr. Valentin Marica, senior editor la Studioul de Radio Targu-Mures, istoricul prof ...
prof. Lucia Taralunga, directorul institutiei-gazde. A.C. ...
25 nov. 2010 Cuvantul Liber A.C.
Radio Targu-Mures, istoricul prof. univ. dr. Vasile Dobrescu, prof. Dimitrie Poptamas, presedintele ...
Fundatiei Culturale "Vasile Netea", si prof. Lucia Taralunga, directorul institutiei-gazda. A.C. ...
19 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
local radio. Liu, a Chinese dissident was sentenced to 11 years of prison after he signed an appeal to ...
05 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
governor Mugur Isarescu declared at the public radio station. He reiterated that the country's risk ...
04 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
emotion, President Basescu declared on Thursday for the public radio station, Radio Romania ...
02 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Tuesday. In an interview for a public radio broadcast, PM Boc said that the President had a clear ...
01 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
PM Emil Boc declared for Radio Romania Actualitati. He said that the government managed to create ...
08 oct. 2010 Cancan A.C
radio NOVA FM un pui de căţel vârât într-un blender gata să fie pus în funcţiune. Speriaţi că ...