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13 mar. 2012 HotNews C.B.
locale. DNA il cerceteaza pe presedintele CJ Brasov, Aristotel Cancescu, pentru ca a ascuns vanzarea a ...
ale lui Aristotel Adrian Cancescu, presedintele Consiliului Judetean Brasov, sunt acuzate de ...
28 dec. 2010 HotNews C.B.
perfuzii la Brasov. Sarbatorile de iarna nu au fost unele lipsite de griji si probleme pentru familia ...
miliardarului Ion Tiriac. Aflati la Poiana Brasov pentru a petrece Craciunul, fiul magnatului a ...
familiei din Poiana Brasov, Ion Ion s-a dus ieri dimineata la "Hotelul Aurelius, imparatul ...
27 dec. 2010 HotNews C.B.
de MC pentru petrecerea organizata de conducerea unui hotel de lux din Poiana Brasov, unde va fi ...
17 oct. 2010 HotNews C.B.
-a adus 10.000 de euro. Blondele din Brasov au dat dovada de mare curaj cand i-au dat in vileag ...
05 iul. 2010 HotNews I.R. transl/adapt. C.B.
counties - affecting Harghita, Covasna, Brasov and Sibiu. The yellow code was also issued for River ...
22 iun. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
"shameful" loss of finance from the World Bank for building rings around Bacau, Brasov, Reghin ...
Comarnic - Brasov motorway, while constantly blaming others. The signers accuse "the disasters at ...
infrastructure". Berceanu opposes the construction of an international airport in Brasov (Central Romania ...
27 mai 2010 HotNews TOTB, transl/adapt. C.B.
old, from Brasov (Central). Her hobbies are photography, escalade, snowboarding and mountain-biking ...
27 mai 2010 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
: Alba, Arad, Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita-Nasaud, Botosani, Brasov, Braila, Buzau; - June 2 ...
16 mai 2010 HotNews C.B.
those in Brasov (Central), said they have already started looking for jobs overseas. Austerity ...
08 apr. 2010 HotNews C.B.
for the general Anti-Corruption Authority (DGA) from Brasov (central) was caught stealing two car ...
light bulbs from a hypermarket, Adevarul informs. On hearing about it, the Appeal Court in Brasov ...
after working for DGA Brasov. The World Bank (WB) teaches Romania how to gain a potential one ...
29 mar. 2010 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
, Romanian National Defence minister Gabriel Oprea declared on Tuesday in Brasov (central). "The ...
26 mar. 2010 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
local councils. 100 seniors, members of the Pensioners Free Union from Brasov (Central) have ...
12 mar. 2010 HotNews Carla Dinu, transl/adapt. C.B.
attractive - Sibiu, Brasov - which look absolutely wonderful. AIR Berlin flies to the Romanian seaside. But ...
02 mar. 2010 HotNews C.B.
counties like Bihor, Arad, Bistrita Nasaud, Satu Mare, Salaj, Mures, Brasov, Cluj and Harghita ...
08 feb. 2010 HotNews Claudia Pirvoiu, transl/adapt. C.B.
between Brasov - Bors began in 2004, after the Romanian state gave a 2.2 billion euros contract to ...
04 feb. 2010 HotNews C.B.
rectification. Transilvania Motorway project stretching from Brasov to Bors has been assigned, without ...
works on the Brasov - Campia Turzii section or give up the project. Otherwise the motorway will no be ...
02 feb. 2010 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
patients were tested positive in Bucharest, while Brasov (Central), Constanta (South-East) and Tulcea (S ...