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14 dec. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
UPDATE Traian Basescu retrieved 1,260 ore votes and Mircea Geoana - 987. This is the final result ...
the 138,000 invalid votes from Romania. Results gave Traian Basescu 1,169 more votes and Mircea ...
incumbent president Traian Basescu and 19 for Mircea Geoana, political sources declared, quoted by NewsIn ...
10 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu doesn't want to form a Government with the PNL, but to engulf compromise or break ...
Office announced that it excluded "any participation in a Traian Basescu puppet Government". Still, Crin ...
which I could take responsibility for, sure I would accept to be Prime Minister with Traian Basescu in ...
10 dec. 2009 HotNews C.B.
councillor Sebastian Lazaroiu declared that Traian Basescu had called ex-liberal leader Calin Popescu ...
10 dec. 2009 HotNews Olga Popescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
week, Traian Basescu accused Mircea Geoana for having gone to Moscow for a private visit. "Romania ...
"Moscow paid attention to the fact that, during the electoral campaign, Romania's president Traian ...
Basescu took the liberty to make several unfriendly remarks about Russia", the Russian Foreign ...
08 dec. 2009 HotNews RFI, transl/adapt. C.B.
"the parties are in a post-traumatic state, after Traian Basescu winning the presidential elections ...
, but Traian Basescu imposed himself in the end because of the votes overseas. Was Traian Basescu ...
the electorate's validation, and only out of their wish to have Traian Basescu out of power, that ...
08 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
which in can be discussed a governance with someone like Traian Basescu or PD-L is if PNL owns the ...
with PD-L. After Tariceanu announced the liberals that he had been claaed by Traian Basescu for a ...
08 dec. 2009 HotNews Robert Schwartz, transl/adapt. C.B.
Romania. DW: Traian Basescu won the elections by a very narrow limit. How do you see the result of ...
the International Monetary Fund financial aid coming. DW: Should Traian Basescu extend his hand ...
08 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
everyone who has voted for Traian Basescu. There hasn't been any problem noticed in the elections ...
08 dec. 2009 HotNews C.B.
alliance with the newly elect president Traian Basescu. Elsewhere in the news, the Democratic Union of ...
-Popescu Tariceanu striking an alliance with the newly elect president Traian Basescu. According to ...
07 dec. 2009 HotNews Robert Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Mircea Geoana got 51.1% of the votes, while Traian Basescu is credited with 48.9%, social-democrat ...
07 dec. 2009 HotNews R.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu was voted by 94.8% of the Romanian electorate from the Republic of Moldova, while ...
Ministry (MAE). During the first round of presidential elections, Traian Basescu got 90.7% of the ...
06 dec. 2009 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
president is shown as the elections' winner by three opinion surveys, while only one shows him and Traian ...
Basescu with equal chances. These are the most important declarations made by Mircea Geoana: I'd ...
06 dec. 2009 HotNews Robert Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu has the major merit in the fact that the surveys indicate Mircea Geoana as president ...
06 dec. 2009 HotNews Robert Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
UPDATE 2 indicated a 0.72% advantage in favour of the lib-dem presidential candidate Traian Basescu ...
declared. According to the PD-L parallel count, this means that Traian Basescu raised 3,969,406 votes ...
indicates an advantage for Traian Basescu: after counting the results in 40% of the voting sections, the ...
06 dec. 2009 HotNews R.H. transl/adapt. C.B.
PD-L vice-president Cezar Preda claims that Traian Basescu is the winner of the second rounds at ...
parallel counting indicated Traian Basescu as winner. We engaged in this fight with all the parties ...
Traian Basescu will continue to be Romania's president, because he deserves it", Preda added. ...
06 dec. 2009 HotNews Victor Cozmei, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu declared from his campaign headquarters that the surveys indicated the incumbent ...
04 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
, others will vote for you". He added that people have to choose between "Traian Basescu, whom we know ...
don't vote, others will vote for you.We need to choose between Traian Basescu, whom we know and don't ...
dictatorship, having Traian Basescu takes us close to it again. I ask you to vote in the name of this project ...
04 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Ministry staff will know how to resist "the infernal pressures they are subjected to by Traian Basescu and ...
04 dec. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
issues, while Traian Basescu, "a man that splits", talked about the past, Romanian news agency ...
-launch extremely clear", Mircea Geoana stated. In his opinion, Traian Basescu had "a campaign ...
04 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu held a press declaration from his campaign headquarters. He thanked those who voted ...
execute immediately". Other important statements made by Traian Basescu: This has been a dirty ...