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20 nov. 2009 HotNews RFI, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu, the Romanian incumbent president, is to be blamed for the fact that Adrian Severin ...
20 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
channel Realitatea TV. Traian Basescu (PD-L), Mircea Geoana (PSD) and Crin Antonescu (PNL) will each ...
first, Crin Antonescu the second and Traian Basescu the third. The debate is organised by the ...
evening at the public TV channel TVR. It was cancelled after Traian Basescu, Crin Antonescu and Sorin ...
20 nov. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
", incumbent Romanian president Traian Basescu declared in an interview for Frankfurter Allgemeine ...
car of for honours? No", Traian Basescu noted. ...
18 nov. 2009 HotNews V.O. transl/adapt. C.B.
Growth. The candidates signing without objections: Traian Basescu, Mircea Geoana, Crin Antonescu ...
16 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu In his turn, the Romanian-American publicist Victor Gaetan said, on launching ...
Ciprian Nastasiu's book: "It has been known since 2005 that "the Professor" is Traian Basescu". Plus, he ...
course of the act of justice. Traian Basescu got rid of the skilled prosecutors from the ...
16 nov. 2009 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
electoral round-up, Traian Basescu thanked Sibiu and its mayor Klaus Johannis for hosting the electoral ...
Hungarians from Romania (UDMR) and the national minorities' group. President Traian Basescu refused this ...
13 nov. 2009 HotNews R.P. transl/adapt. C.B.
, it could not really begin to function until 2005, after President Traian Basescu took over Romania's ...
, with the far-right booing and the opposition deputies launching ironies. Traian Basescu did not ...
"safe" people A commission of historians lead by Vladimir Tismaneanu requested president Traian ...
12 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Traian Basescu, I ask him, in his CSAT quality, to let us know whether he was informed regarding this ...
mandate from this Council and if Mr. Traian Basescu knew about these things, why he didn't make them ...
12 nov. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
has made after the NATO accession in 2004, incumbent president Traian Basescu declared on Thursday ...
", Traian Basescu said in the present of the wounded or dead soldiers' families, Romanian press agency ...
12 nov. 2009 HotNews C.B.
Alliance Group from the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, stated. The German indicated that Traian ...
Basescu only went to Brussels for the EU summits, while presidents of the EU member states met ...
10 nov. 2009 HotNews V.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
Romania's incumbent president Traian Basescu declared on Monday that "after Ceausescu's fleeing in ...
words and even insults from Mr. Traian Basescu. But what he allowed himself to declare on the airport ...
would tech him a lesson at the coming presidential elections". President Traian Basescu accused ...
06 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Liviu Negoita has been designated PM on Friday by president Traian Basescu, after the last ...
06 nov. 2009 HotNews Carla Dinu, transl/adapt. C.B.
The IMF mission in Romania will meet on Friday with Romanian incumbent President Traian Basescu ...
06 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
President Traian Basescu announced that the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the ...
04 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
substitute what is not exported", Romania's president Traian Basescu announced on Wednesday ...
04 nov. 2009 HotNews C.B.
, while president Traian Basescu was calling for the National State Defence Council, the Health ...
04 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
, Vantu and Voiculescu's TV channels will start flooding with curses and attacks", Traian Basescu ...
. All in all, this is their discontent and illustrated at TV, in the ad hoc formed majority". Traian ...
Basescu made the statements during an electoral campaign event in Teleorman county (South), shortly ...
02 nov. 2009 HotNews C.B.
publishes an open letter addressed to the European Commission's president, accusing Traian Basescu of ...
attack president Traian Basescu. The letter reads that the referendum is a mask for a failed ...
30 oct. 2009 HotNews R.P., R.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
Romanian president Traian Basescu, who took part in the European Union chiefs of state and of government ...
30 oct. 2009 HotNews C.B.
Parliament. This opened the local authorities' appetite for referendums, but Traian Basescu sees this as ...