Mesajul a fost trimis. Multumesc!

27 mai 2009 HotNews A-M. B. transl/adapt C.B.
30% because Romania has plenty to gain from its EU membership and a great deal of money come in ...
The Dutch Ambassador in Bucharest Jaap Werner said that maximum efforts have been made in Romania ...
for a most confused European elections campaign. His statement was made during a debate about youth ...
25 mai 2009 HotNews A-M. B.
pentru a beneficia de potentialul Romaniei. Romania are un mare potential pe zona energiilor ...
Gazprom si Romgaz vor forma o firma mixta pentru constructia unor depozite de inmagazinare a ...
gazelor naturale, iar Ministerul Economiei va alege anul acesta locul unde va fi realizata a doua ...
25 mai 2009 HotNews A-M. B. transl/adapt C.B.
Romania is discussing with the IMF and the EC cancelling the debt in the case of the companies that ...
Videanu said today. He denies that this option could trigger a procedure for breaching the EU ...
integrated energy entities created though a complex of hydro-electric stations, nuclear stations and ...
25 mai 2009 HotNews A-M. B. transl/adapt. C.B.
Russian company Gazprom and Romanian company Romgaz will create a mixed business for constructing a ...
gas depot in Romania. Additionally, Romanian minister of Economy Adriean Videanu announced today at ...
the EU-Russia economic Forum that there will be a second hydra-electric power station on the Danube ...