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Pagina 1 - 23 rezultate
28 sept. 2017 HotNews A.C.
, Gura Humorului, Lugoj, Iasi, Odobesti, Oravita, Piatra Neamt, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Ramnicu Sarat ...
25 sept. 2014 HotNews A.C.
documentar, contin imagini din judetele Botosani, Neamt si Iasi, dar si din tari precum Italia sau Egipt ...
20 dec. 2013 HotNews A.C.
, Vrancea, Vaslui, Bacau, Neamt, Suceava, Galati, Iasi, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures si Sibiu ...
25 iul. 2011 HotNews A.C.
candidatii pentru alegerile partiale din Neamt si Maramures. Adrian Radulescu, secretar de stat in ...
PDL pentru alegerile parlamentare partiale care se vor organiza pe 21 august in colegiile Neamt si ...
08 feb. 2011 HotNews A.C.
cigarettes smugglers Status of the trial: tried at Iasi court Neamt Customs Six persons including three ...
customs officers, including the chief of the Neamt Customs, were indicted in November 2009 for abuse in ...
: tried at Neamt court, 11 terms and 8 delays Siret Customs 59 police and customs officers indicted by ...
10 dec. 2010 HotNews A.C.
British oil company Europa Oil and Gas announced that it hit oil at Bachiz in Neamt county ...
24 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Dorel Manole, who replaces Aurel Soric as chief of the police in Neamt, North Romania. Since Fatuloiu ...
reads about the former police chief in Neamt, Aurelian Soric and his business in Iasi, North Romania ...
23 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
said. Here are his declarations Following investigations of the events in Piatra Neamt, the ...
chief in Neamt I plan to continue the fight against corruption which my colleagues started ...
19 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Neamt counties, North Romania. Romania hesitates to attend the Nobel Prize Ceremony won by a Chinese ...
Friday read about mobsters groups in North Romania in Iasi and Neamt. Romania libera reads about the ...
29 aug. 2010 HotNews A.C.
, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Prahova, Salas, Suceava, Timis, Vaslui, Tulcea, Valcea si Vrancea. The ...
30 iun. 2010 HotNews A.C
Radu Berceanu will go North, to Suceava and Botosani while Economy minister Videanu to Neamt ...
28 iun. 2010 HotNews A.C
Authorities in Neamt, North Romania, enforced a state of alert and issued an evacuation order for ...
11,000 people in 8 cities. Neamt Prefect Mihai Archip declared for the news televisions that the ...
20 apr. 2010 HotNews A.C.
the counties in: Buzău, Bistriţa, Bihor, Călăraşi, Dâmboviţa, Ilfov, Mureş, Neamţ, Satu Mare and ...
17 feb. 2010 HotNews A.C.
. Until now, Ponta is supported by organizations in Neamt, Prahova, Salaj, Timis, Iasi, Cluj, Arges ...
09 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Bacau and Vaslui, and 2 cases in Maramures, Mehedinti, Neamt, Prahova and Arges and Cluj, central ...
04 dec. 2008 HotNews A.C.
) College 3: Petru Basa (PD-L) College 4: Corneliu Grosu (PSD+PC) NEAMT Chamber of Deputies ...
17 aug. 2008 HotNews A.C.
Parliament, for the Neamt Democrat Liberal organization. Party leader Emil Boc confirmed that an offer ...
03 iul. 2008 HotNews A.C.
The 11-year old Romanian from Neamt, North Romania, who got pregnant after a sexual abuse underwent ...