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11 rezultate
29 mai 2014 HotNews A.C.
31 mai, ora 6.00 - 3 iunie, ora 18.00, pe Dunare pe sectorul Bechet-Calarasi (judetele Dolj, Olt ...
20 dec. 2013 HotNews A.C.
, noteaza Mediafax. Ceata reduce vizibilitatea si in unele zone din judetele Gorj, Olt si Dolj ...
18 iun. 2013 HotNews A.C.
50 de kilometri, in timp ce, in Dolj, o alta companie percepe doar 42 de lei pentru acelasi parcurs ...
acelasi numar de kilometri, in judetul Dolj, firma Ibraflor Com are un tarif de 42 de lei, adica de ...
02 iun. 2011 HotNews A.C.
at the Bechet City Hall, Dolj county on July 7th. Romania’s Environment ministry released to public ...
14 mar. 2011 HotNews A.C. sources, Blaga is supported by Radu Berceanu (Dolj), Adriean Videanu, Ioan Oltean ( Bistrita ...
29 aug. 2010 HotNews A.C.
confirmed two cases in Alba, one in Sibiu, Galati, Constanta, Bucuresti, Dolj. Another two suspicions ...
19 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
cases on Wednesday alone. Most cases were registered in Bucharest (35), Bacau 13, Dolj 12, Cluj 10 and ...
03 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
last 24 hours. At the moment there are 17 confirmed swine flu cases in Dolj county, of which 15 come ...
06 mar. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Mehedinti with 8.2%, Teleorman and Dolj with 9% and Alba (8.3%). Bucharest is one of the cities to ...
04 dec. 2008 HotNews A.C.
) DOLJ Chamber of Deputies College 1: Mihai Surpateanu (PD-L) College 2: Constantin Dascalu ...
02 iun. 2008 HotNews A.C.
. Dimbovita: Florin Aurelian Popescu (PDL) 12. Dolj: Ion Prioteasa (PSD) 13. Galati: Eugen Chebac (PSD) 14 ...