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16 rezultate
27 sept. 2017 HotNews A.C.
robotica. Facultatea de Inginerie din Hunedoara da ocazia publicului sa il cunoasca pe pilotul Marcel ...
08 oct. 2014 HotNews A.C.
, membru fondator si lider al organizatiei PC din judetul Hunedoara a trecut la PNL. Marginean, care a ...
Hunedoara cat si la Primaria Deva, cele trei posturi principale din executiv sunt detinute tot de liberali ...
01 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
sa-si darame casa. Nicolae Guta trebuie sa isi demoleze o casa din Petrosani, judetul Hunedoara, dupa ...
29 dec. 2010 HotNews A.C.
be the Corvini castle, in Hunedoara, West Romania. This is the biggest gothic style castle in ...
03 dec. 2010 HotNews A.C.
candidates through PDL symbols. The first case signaled by the newspaper was in Hunedoara, West ...
29 aug. 2010 HotNews A.C.
, Caras-Severin, Cluj, Constanta, Covasna, Dambovita, Galati, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iasi, Maramures ...
30 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
new cases confirmed: in Bucharest 20, in Bacau 17, Hunedoara 12. Plus, several high schools were ...
05 oct. 2009 HotNews A.C.
restriction are: Kiseleff street, Monetariei, Iancu de Hunedoara, Victoriei square from 12am to 6PM ...
26 iul. 2009 HotNews A.C.
, Dracula's myth attracts tourists at Hunedoara, West Romania, one newspaper reads. Most ...
libera reads how the very famous count Dracula was transformed into a tourist agent at Hunedoara, West ...
Impaler, as a historic character was linked with the family in Hunedoara. They remind their readers ...
18 feb. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Sorin Ionita declared that in Hunedoara, West Romania a third of the beneficiaries consider withdrawing ...
19 ian. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Hunedoara, West Romania, roads are covered by ice and traffic is slow due to the conditions. Moreover ...
04 dec. 2008 HotNews A.C.
) HUNEDOARA Chamber of Deputies College 1: Laurentiu Nistor (PSD+PC) College 2: Iosif ...
24 nov. 2008 HotNews A.C.
deny his masonry membership. Another mason, Simota is an important businessman in Hunedoara, West ...
02 iun. 2008 HotNews A.C.
. Giurgiu: Dumitru Beianu (PNL) 15. Gorj: Ion Calinoiu (PSD) 16. Hunedoara: Ioan Mircea Molot (PNL ...
15 mai 2008 HotNews A.C.
. Seems that violence is the word of the day in other cities in the country too: Hunedoara PD-L mayor beat ...