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02 oct. 2010 Cancan A.C.
dat o tură deasupra României, cu ocazia aniversării a doi ani de la înfiinţarea Radio ZU. În cadrul ...
marijuana". La auzul unei asemenea întâmplări, prezentatorul emisiunii matinale de la Radio ZU a rămas fără ...
28 sept. 2010 Cancan A.C.
permanent pe frunte dupa ce DJ-ul unui post local de radio a facut o farsa. El a fost incredintat ca ...
frunte numele statiei si a procedat in consecinta. Cand, insa, David s-a prezentat la radio pentru a ...
21 sept. 2010 HotNews A.C.
President Traian Basescu declared on Wednesday, in an interview for Radio Romania Actualitati that ...
10 aug. 2010 HotNews A.C.
public radio, Radio Romania Actualitati. He underlined that the deficit will be 3.6 billion euro in ...
28 iul. 2010 Cancan A.C.
53 de ani. Cei doi au fost fotografiati in urma cu doua zile la iesirea dintr-un post de radio ...
25 iul. 2010 HotNews A.C
Bucuresti Punkt Bonn radio talk show set up by and Deutsche Welle Romania. The official ...
25 iul. 2010 HotNews A.C
Radio Romania Actualitati. He said that there are many wealths that are not taxed at their real value ...
24 iun. 2010 Cancan A.C.
dispariţia la postul local de radio. Patrupedul a fost găsit de Kalman Csutor, care a contactat-o imediat ...
19 mai 2010 Cancan A.C.
incoronata zilele trecute"Miss SUA", are din nou probleme de imagine. Dupa ce un post de radio a dat ...
18 mai 2010 Cancan A.C.
si vazut implicata intr-un scandal, dupa ce un post de radio din Detroit a dat publicitatii ...
11 apr. 2010 HotNews A.C.
President Kaczynski's speech reads, which he was supposed to deliver at Katyn. Polskie Radio ...
01 apr. 2010 Cancan A.C.
inaltime. Pentru confortul catelusilor, Tammy a cumparat ventilatoare, tablouri, draperii si chiar un radio ...
30 mar. 2010 HotNews A.C.
current TVR Director Alexandru Sassu is dismissed. On the other hand, the report of the National Radio ...
28 mar. 2010 HotNews A.C.
declared at RFI radio. His reaction follows the declarations of Voicu, urging the Parliament to ...
18 feb. 2010 HotNews A.C.
4% this year, Radio Romania informs. ...
20 ian. 2010 HotNews A.C.
representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu declared for Radio RFI. He added that the 2010 priority is to ...
07 dec. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Romanian to cast a vote was at 7AM, Romania time, in the US. Moldovan newspapers, quoted by Radio ...
11 nov. 2009 HotNews A.C.
Tuesday it was approved by the Chamber of Deputies, Radio Romania Actualitati informs. The law ...
15 oct. 2009 HotNews A.C.
, quoted by Radio Romania Actualitati. He said that an IMF evaluation mission will visit Bucharest after ...
inflation rate of 4.9% in September compared to the 0.53% average in the other member states. Radio ...
15 oct. 2009 HotNews A.C.
President Traian Basescu declared on Friday, at the public radio that the ideal PM would have been ...