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20 iul. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
traditional Tatar dishes. This was the first visit of Kendra Pace in Constanta, amidst the Tatar ...
community in Dobroudjea. The event was attended by DUTMTR Deputy Varol Amet, deputy prefect of Constanta ...
13 iul. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
and obtained a total average of 9.55 at baccalaureate. He represented Romania and Constanta at the ...
12 iul. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Constanţa, as the winner of the auction for Constanta Port offshore breakwater execution, auction ...
organized by Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanţa. The value of the contract amounts 99,94 million ...
Romanian coast of the Black Sea in Constanta City area". The contract value is 42,914,859.09 RON ...
11 iul. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Shopping Center will be inaugurated in Constanta. The inaugural presentation of the store will be ...
19 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Constanta Newspaper, about the most exposed to corruption areas in public procurement and about the ...
14 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
On June 6th, RAJA Constanta Company signed with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, in ...
Constanta, the project to expand the sewerage system in the village Valu lui Traian. The project is ...
Climate Change, Felix Stroe, CEO of RAJA Company, and Cristinel Dragomir, Vice President of Constanta ...
12 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
A German citizen was taken to Constanta County Emergency Hospital after the yacht he was in was ...
involved in a marine incident. The event took place yesterday, in Tomis Port, Constanta. According to ...
preliminary data, Hans Joachim Fritze, from Germany, came last night in Constanta, where he intended ...
12 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
in various EU-funded operational programs. On 4-9 June, at Constanta took place a Operational ...
10 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Sunday, Constanta Aquarium lost Pei-Pei, a 5 years old male dolphin, which was brought from China ...
likely to Protan Constanta" added Adrian Bâlbă. The dolphins, two females and one male, Ni-Ni (Little ...
Girl), Pei-Pei (Baby) and Chen-Chen (Sunrise) were brought to Constanta Aquarium in May 2010. The ...
10 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Services) and Benoit Nadler - European Commission representative. RAJA Constanta Company couldn’t miss ...
this event. The water operator from Constanta has absorbed from the European Union funds of over ...
among national companies of the member countries. RAJA Constanta company was represented at WATER ...
09 iun. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Constanta. Unique architectural monument in Romania, Carol I Mosque was inaugurated on May 31st, 1913 ...
14 mai 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
Considering the decisions of environmental authorities in Constanta and Vaslui regarding the ...
taken by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Constanta, respectively, Vaslui, regarding its ...
projects in Romania. Based on EPA Constanta respectively Vaslui decisions, Chevron Exploration and ...
13 mai 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
PRESS RELEASE ZIUA de Constanţa newspaper's website, the victim of a cyber attack ZIUA de ...
Constanţa newspaper informs its readers that the publication's website has been the victim of a cyber ...
identified, its name will be made public. ZIUA de Constanţa newspaper has a 12 years tradition and an ...
16 apr. 2013 Ziua Constanta A.R.
On April 2nd 2013, local government in Constanta hosted an official delegation from Rotterdam made ...
Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in Constanta, Dan Coman. The fourth port of the world ...
During the meeting, as expected, there were discussions about Port of Constanta, Port of Rotterdam and ...
13 aug. 2012 Cancan A.R.
celuilalt. Madălina Lalu şi "milionarul adormit" s-au întâlnit toată vara la Constanţa, acolo locuieşte şi ...
13 sept. 2011 Cancan Alina Radulescu, A.R.
. "Toxi" si Maria sunt mari consumatori de distractii, fiind o prezenta constanta in restaurantele cu ...
15 aug. 2011 Cancan A.R.
unui fost iubit din Constanta. Cei doi au fost impreuna aproape un an, iar in aceasta vara s-au ...
18 mai 2011 Buna ziua Brasov A.R.
inclus în calendarul Uniunii Cicliste Internaţionale (UCI). Startul competiţiei se va da la Constanţa ...
22 feb. 2010 Buna ziua Brasov (A.R.)
cheltuielilor, urmat de Iaşi şi Timişoara, iar Constanţa (locul cinci) a fost devansată de Kaunas (Lituania). În ...
14 iun. 2009 Cancan A.R.
la viata din Constanta, unde locuieste de ani buni , in favoarea celei din Bucuresti. Bruneta a adus ...
locui impreuna. Sper sa o conving", ne-a declarat Claudia. (A.R.) ...