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12 mai 2016 Bursa A.S. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
investigated by prosecutors on charges of embezzlement at Cuprom and was arrested last year, on ...
overvalued by 7 million Euros. Three days prior to the DNA announcement, more specifically on January ...
shareholders at the time Constanţa and Ion Mandache, the parents of Raluca Simu, according to the decisions ...
30 oct. 2014 Bursa A.S. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
container abandoned in the Port of Constanţa was opened by the Customs authorities in the presence of ...
. * Excerpts from the Megapower brief, published by Naşul TV Robert Turcescu claims that the only person ...
pardoned in 2003 by president Ion Iliescu. The pardon decree was countersigned by Adrian Năstase ...