Mesajul a fost trimis. Multumesc!

05 oct. 2016 Bursa ADRIAN VASILESCU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
In its Tuesday issue, "Bursa", printed an interview with Lucian Isar. It was recorded by: Emilia ...
Olescu and Ancuţa Stanciu. The first question: "Adrian Vasilescu claims that during the crisis, the ...
the law by taking out a loan from the Bank of International Settlements", claims Lucian Isar. The ...
10 mar. 2014 Bursa Adrian Vasilescu, advisor to the NBR governor (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
- "Adrian Vasilescu is Romanian"; using those, he drew the conclusion - "Adrian Vasilescu doesn't ...
In the March 4th, 2014 issue of "Bursa", struggled to cobble together a lame syllogism, from which ...
don't know (yet!) how to make money using jobs they created themselves. We, in Romania, need more jobs ...