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27 nov. 2009 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan adapt. A.C
payments funds. The fact that Romania receives this portfolio, is, in a way, a compromise awarded ...
to France, who sustained Romania. France will receive the internal market portfolio through Michel ...
21 iul. 2009 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan adapt. A.C
College that decided that Romania should be monitored at least until 2010 when the next report on ...
corruption fight in Romania and against organized crime in Bulgaria last year, we expressed our worries ...
series of recommendations, namely 16 to Romania and 21 to Bulgaria Romania's evaluation, according to ...
14 iul. 2009 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan adapt. A.C
Romania could secure itself in terms of energy by improving energy efficiency, building a liquefied ...
Romanian Foreign Affairs ministry. He added that Romania seems to struggle still, to find a good ...
. Even though Chow admitted that he does not know much about Romania in specific, he reckons that ...