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2004 (2)
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26 nov. 2004 Jurnalul By CARMEN VINTILA
CARMEN VINTILA According to the IRSOP poll, Adrian Nastase leads the presidential race with 42 ...
%, followed by the NLP (National Liberal Party) - DP (Democratic Party) Alliance candidate, Traian ...
Basescu - 30%, and by the GRP (Great Romania Party) candidate, Corneliu Vadim Tudor - 13%. For the ...
22 nov. 2004 Jurnalul By CARMEN VINTILA
presidential and parliamentary elections, with 42%, and 41% respectively. By CARMEN VINTILA ...
of the voting intentions with 41%, followed by Traian Basescu (NLP-DP Alliance) with 32% and ...
Adrian Nastase (National Union SDP+HPR), 32% for Traian basescu (NLP (National Liberal Party) -DP ...