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21 ian. 2005 Jurnalul By IOHANNA ONACA PURDEA
criteria only. By IOHANNA ONACA PURDEA Ionut Popescu will have his secretaries of state ...
nominated by the parties in the ruling coalition The Executive Bureau of the National Liberal Party decided ...
professional grounds alone. According to NLP sources quoted by Mediafax wire services, Popescu ...
08 ian. 2005 Jurnalul By IOHANNA ONACA PURDEA
currencies, as the euro (EUR), US dollar (USD) and Hungarian forint (HUF). By IOHANNA ONACA ...
PURDEA The Romanian currency became an interesting commodity for the Hungarians It is the first ...
such market outside Romania where the ROL is traded. The futures are a sell-and-buy contracts to be ...
02 nov. 2004 Jurnalul By IOHANNA ONACA PURDEA
, getting themselves ready for the great competition in the European market. By IOHANNA ONACA PURDEA ...
More than three million euros. This is the sum invested in modern equipment by the liver păté and ...
Scandia Romania cans producer in Sibiu. The company received 1,905 million euros due to a SAPARD ...