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07 ian. 2005 Jurnalul By MONICA IORDACHE
to get rid of an immoral solution named HPR (the Humanist Party in Romania - n.e.). By MONICA ...
IORDACHE THE NEXT STEP. By the end of this month, Traian Basescu "will also choose" one of the ...
POLITICS - January 7th 2005 In the interview published yesterday by the "Adevarul" daily newspaper ...
05 ian. 2005 Jurnalul By MONICA IORDACHE
POLITICS - January 5th 2004 By MONICA IORDACHE GREEN GRASS. The former President wants to ...
have occasional access to Scrovistea, in the same time refusing to benefit by a house based on the ...
the rights of Ion Iliescu as former President of Romania. Iliescu said he doesn’t want a house ...
09 dec. 2004 Jurnalul By MONICA IORDACHE
formation either. By MONICA IORDACHE STRATEGY. Norica Nicolai doesn’t want to eliminate the ...
collaboration with GRP (the Great Romania Party) isn’t something to put away by her political ...
. She also said that Traian Basescu is accepted in an equal manner by 200’s voters of Ion Iliescu ...
09 nov. 2004 Jurnalul By MONICA IORDACHE
knights of the "Mihai Viteazul" Order, offered at Cotroceni. By MONICA IORDACHE For two hours ...
personally. LUNCH. After that King Mihai I and Queen Ana took part in a lunch offered in Cotroceni by ...
ensure "a quiet old age" for the veterans. He continued by saying there still are problems regarding ...