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13 mar. 2012 HotNews C.B.
24 de licente radio in spatele unui SRL si nu a platit taxele la stat. ANAF a anuntat procurorii ca ...
penalitati. Aristotel Cancescu si apropiatii sai au pus pe unde o tranzactie cu licente radio care a ...
evaziune fiscala. Dosarul vizeaza o afacere cu licente radio, derulata sub ochii presedintelui Cancescu ...
26 nov. 2011 HotNews C.B.
pentru radio si televiziune, iar in prezent se dedica scrisului. Aparut in 2008, primul roman al ...
26 sept. 2011 HotNews C.B.
sus, scrie Click. O explozie solara s-a auzit la radio, in intreaga lume. Pata solara 1302 a ...
scurte radio de pe Terra. Imaginile si inregistrarea audio au fost facute publice de observatorul ...
28 sept. 2010 HotNews C.B.
ales cu un tatuaj permanent pe frunte dupa ce DJ-ul unui post local de radio a facut o farsa. El a fost ...
prezentat la radio pentru a intra in posesia premiului, acesta a fost anuntat ca totul nu a fost decat o ...
06 iul. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
civilised country", Romanian President Traian Basescu declared for the national radio station. The ...
22 iun. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Radio Romania. Hydrologists have extended the yellow code regarding rivers in Cluj, Salaj, Satu ...
08 iun. 2010 HotNews Sorana Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
general strike, Radio Romania Actualitati informs. ...
02 iun. 2010 HotNews Sorana Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Republic of Moldova to evaluate bi-lateral relations addressing agriculture and rural developments, Radio ...
23 mai 2010 HotNews Sorana Mihailescu, transl/adapt. C.B.
teachers' good will, which would chose to support the students, Radio Romania Actualitati broadcasts ...
04 mai 2010 HotNews R.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
hospitals provide only emergency support. The country is also deprived of radio and TV broadcasts ...
15 apr. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
public radio. The Polish President, his wife and other 94 people have lost their lives last Saturday ...
08 apr. 2010 HotNews R.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
from the public radio station and TV channel, Romanian news agency Mediafax informs. Eml Boc told ...
television and radio affairs. "Let's not forget about the things we promised in opposition, like ...
removing political influence from the [public] radio and television. Neither us, nor the President named ...
06 apr. 2010 HotNews R.P. transl/adapt. C.B.
American public radio station NPR, which started with the reference to a book called "Lost states ...
31 mar. 2010 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
A private radio station in Sofia broadcast an interview with a false International Monetary Fund ...
leva. Novinite reads that the interview tried to be a April Fool's Day farce, but he radio station ...
did not mention this detail. Hugh Jason told Darik radio reporters that "we believe it would be ...
28 mar. 2010 HotNews V.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
Romanian Justice minister Catalin Predoiu told reporters at the public radio station on Monday ...
22 mar. 2010 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
far, then these teachers should get it", PM declared on Monday, March 22, for the public radio station ...
02 mar. 2010 HotNews Carla Dinu, transl/adapt. C.B.
bank of Nistru river and Tighina city on the right bank, Radio Romania Actualitati informs. The ...
26 feb. 2010 HotNews Carla Dinu, transl/adapt. C.B.
submission of the request, according to radio Romania. The requests can be submitted for now at the ...