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14 iun. 2010 HotNews Ioana Morovan, transl/adapt. C.B.
companies that activate on the markets of these emergent states. For Romania and Bulgaria, the last two ...
14 iun. 2010 HotNews C.B.
. According to him, the route through Bulgaria makes the pipe 300 kilometres longer and noted that ...
08 iun. 2010 HotNews C.B.
, informing that doctors and teachers earn more in Bulgaria than in Romania, with 27% and 5.3%, respectively ...
08 iun. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Romania and Bulgaria "for as long as necessary", general manager of the European Commission for ...
countries, but he stressed that there were "still many things to be done". He reminded Bulgaria and ...
02 iun. 2010 HotNews Claudia Pirvoiu, transl/adapt. C.B.
& Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Ex-republic of Yugoslavia and Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova ...
02 iun. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Greek banks owning branches in Bulgaria and Romania are determined to keep all of them, despite the ...
16 mai 2010 HotNews C.B.
the measures found in Romania and Bulgaria to fight against the crisis will reduce significantly ...
12 mai 2010 HotNews I.R. transl/adapt. C.B.
political process. According to Transparency International, quoted by Reuters, Romania, Bulgaria ...
02 mai 2010 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
Romanian town called Clejanin, Mr. Florin Nidelea, who happened to be in Bulgaria, was the source of ...
27 apr. 2010 HotNews C.B.
by Hungary and Turkey (2.4%), the Czech Republic (2%), Poland (1.4%) and Bulgaria (1.3%). Ukraine and ...
08 apr. 2010 HotNews Dan Popa, transl/adapt. C.B.
"We lied to our colleagues in the EU about the capacity to adopt the euro. Our deficit is actually 3.7% and not 1.9%. We gave up our request to join ERM II (the euro anti-chamber) because of this" Bulgarian Prime-Minister Boiko Borisob told Reuters today. He did not miss the opportunity to blam
08 apr. 2010 HotNews Dan Popa, transl/adapt. C.B.
have a ramification that might go either through the sea, or through Bulgaria, Russian company ...
showed interest. A ramification could be built, either through the sea, or from Bulgaria. This is ...
Bulgaria and that yhe projects sticks to the graphic. RIA Novosti reminds that in order to carry out ...
08 apr. 2010 HotNews C.B.
ethnic minority, Romania loses one billion euros every year. The study was carried out in Bulgaria ...
in Bulgaria - 526 ml euros. WB estimates the losses according to the Roma population. In ...
the four analysed countries. Bulgaria employs the highest percentage of Roma people - 29%. According ...
31 mar. 2010 HotNews A.N. transl/adapt. C.B.
(IMF) "representative", causing a scandal in Bulgaria, Novinite reads. Hugh Jason was introduced as ...
a good idea for Bulgaria to adopt the euro in parallel with the leva. It would not be too difficult ...
, since Bulgaria has a stable exchange currently regime, set by the monetary council". The false IMF ...
26 mar. 2010 HotNews R.P. transl/adapt. C.B.
the centres in Iasi or Arad. Other European states followed the pattern: Bulgaria, where enrolment ...
22 mar. 2010 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Bulgaria are due to be published on Tuesday, March 23 2010, an EC spokesperson announced today ...
, published in July 2009, shows that Romania and Bulgaria have not taken sufficient measures to combat ...
18 mar. 2010 HotNews D.Tapalaga, I.Morovan, transl/adapt. C.B.
-Insigma has recently been involved in a fraud scandal in Bulgaria. An OLAF investigation was initiated ...
here as well and Bulgaria risks losing, in its turn, European funds worth of tens of millions of ...
consortium generated recently a scandal similar to the one in Bulgaria. After winning the auction for ...
12 mar. 2010 HotNews Carla Dinu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Tourism developed significantly in Bulgaria during the last years, while in Romania it doesn't ...
really attract foreign investors, German tourism operator TUI manager for Maroc, Romania and Bulgaria ...
behind Bulgaria. "Bulgaria made significant progress during the privatising process, but ...
08 mar. 2010 HotNews Dragos Comache, transl/adapt. C.B.
Capital Economics, quoted by Bloomberg. They indicate that the situation is worse in Bulgaria, where ...
08 mar. 2010 HotNews Adrian Novac, transl/adapt. C.B.
placed in Europe, but the press read about Bulgaria and Turkey. The reasons for which the Obama ...