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06 feb. 2017 Bursa C.I. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Nissan in Romania) have expressed at the end of last week, in an official letter, the decision to abandon ...
). The two companies have also announced that their interests will be represented by ACAROM (The ...
the ACAROM with activities that over 16,000 employees contribute to in Romania, the letter further ...
28 nov. 2016 Bursa C.I. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
assembled by poor families. The Sun in 2013: "Gypsies from Romania and Bulgaria getting ready for a ...
English", Timea Jurj told Digi 24 yesterday. When asked whether the report published by British daily ...
that were paying the parents, following the story published by British daily The Sun. The head of ...
03 feb. 2015 Bursa C.I. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
' Office, where he was going to be heard by the investigators, according to judicial sources, as he is ...
he announced that he was not in Romania. The prosecutors yesterday arrested the owner of Mediafax ...
say that Adrian Sarbu is being indicted in the Mediafax case, following the denouncements made by ...
23 nov. 2011 Bursa C.I. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
. C.I. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu) * Franck Cohen: It is not normal that SAP lost on ...
in Romania over the last four years", Cohen said, quoted by Hotnews, and added that he doesn't have ...
the next 3-4 years SAP Romania yesterday opened a center which will provide IT added value ...