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18 mar. 2010 HotNews D.Tapalaga, I.Morovan, transl/adapt. C.B.
-Insigma has recently been involved in a fraud scandal in Bulgaria. An OLAF investigation was initiated ...
here as well and Bulgaria risks losing, in its turn, European funds worth of tens of millions of ...
consortium generated recently a scandal similar to the one in Bulgaria. After winning the auction for ...
17 mar. 2010 HotNews D.Tapalaga, I.Morovan
Bulgaria. Si aici a inceput o ancheta OLAF, Bulgaria riscand si ea sa piarda fonduri europene in valoare ...
bulgaresc. Consortiul italo-chinez Idreco-Insigma a generat recent un scandal similar in Bulgaria ...
termoelectrica Maritsa Est 2, OLAF a inceput o ancheta. Bulgaria risca sa piarda 34 de milioane de euro ...