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06 dec. 2013 Bursa IOANA POPA, ANA ZIDARU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
highway would allow them to export at lower costs". IOANA POPA, ANA ZIDARU (Translated by Cosmin ...
with the debt of 400 million dollars owed by Rompetrol, hiding behind a law that was declared ...
Băsescu claims that Ioana Băsescu honestly bought the plot of land from an Italian investor and ...
29 nov. 2011 Bursa Ioana Popa (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Romanian units and 2,000 more jobs in ancillary activities. Ioana Popa (Translated by Cosmin ...
Ghidoveanu) According to Romanian statistical data, the total volume of commercial exchanges between the ...
majority stake which Oltchim will sell next year in Oltchim S.A. Râmnicu Vâlcea. During the talks with ...