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13 aug. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
Costin. In general, managerii companiilor IT din Romania apreciaza ca ceea ce se intampla acum pe piata ...
din Romania mai degraba cu ceea ce aplica in Microsoft in primii sai ani de functionare. "Ceea ce se ...
salarial mare pe care marile corporatii l-au adus cu ele in Romania si care a generat o avalansa de ...
09 aug. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
Au vrut sa faca afaceri cu produse pentru copii. Dar cum biberoanele sau hainele "made in Romania ...
06 aug. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
central in Germania. Grupul german detine in prezent doua centre in Romania, in Cluj si respectiv ...
01 aug. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
production capacity in Romania. "One of the reasons why we decided to increase our share capital was to ...
manufactures a range of over 500 products that it distributes in the large store networks in Romania, such ...
01 aug. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
production capacity in Romania. "One of the reasons why we decided to increase our share capital was to ...
manufactures a range of over 500 products that it distributes in the large store networks in Romania, such ...
23 iul. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
munca pentru autostrada Transilvania, la care s-au prezentat peste 4.000 de persoane. Candidatii ...
reprezentantii Guvernului au insistat ca proiectul autostrada Transilvania este o prioritate nationala ...
Bechtel sa recupereze intarzierile inregistrate la lucrarile de constructie a autostrazii Transilvania ...
23 iul. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
munca le genereaza in activitatea unei companii. Astfel, in Romania numarul mediu de zile de ...
. "Piata muncii din Romania este dinamica si variata. Acest dinamism presupune o permanenta adaptare ...
17 iul. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
research work in Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania," stated Dan Lejerskar, head of the US EON Reality. Brinel ...
SA officials feel that, should EON Reality choose Romania as the future location, the virtual ...
presentations outside Romania and now want to make the same move in Romania as well. However, the ...
13 iul. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
The management of the ARoBS Transilvania Software company estimates it will reach turnover ...
Romania have only become available onto the market over the past six months. "The market of mobile ...
. ARoBS Transilvania Software plans to launch three new mobile navigation systems, two GPS devices ...
13 iul. 2006 Ziarul Financiar Lacrima Andreica, ZF Transilvania
, corporate communication manager of Metro Cash & Carry Romania. She added Metro Romania was expecting ...
which Romania, given that Metro focused its expansion on the developing markets in this region ...