Mesajul a fost trimis. Multumesc!

19 dec. 2014 Bursa P.B. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Romania may run into a new real estate bubble, says Şerban Ţigănaş, the president of the Order of ...
capita in Romania, whereas the European average was approximately 3000 Euros, according to Şerban ...
Ţigănaş. In his opinion, Romania has a problem with responsibility when it comes to construction ...
17 oct. 2014 Bursa P.B. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
factors, such as the embargo imposed by Russia, which can affect their activity and output, said Alex ...
investment project in the animal breeding industry must be accompanied by concrete action in the market ...
American pressure in Romania is increasing. ...