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27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
Romania, with a possibility that Moldova on the right bank of Dniester eventually join Romania, while ...
the left bank (Transdniester) turn to Ukraine. Instead of being absorbed by Romania, Moldova on the ...
right bank of Dniester would unite with Romania in a supra-national structure cold "Romanova ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
groups and Romania’s government to let them launder money in Romania to avoid attacks on Romanian ...
Romania. He suggested, according to the cable, that organized crime in Romania might be so ...
in Romania were under the radar and were secretly and illegally work with government officials ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
cable resumes Geoana's trajectory from diplomacy to politics and establishes when Geoana the politician ...
: wobbly. The context is an analysis of the judicial system in Romania. Read the info of the cable on ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
visit to Romania. In a meeting with him, the President is quoted in the Wikileaks cable - as reported ...
FBI and underlining that he would like to see FBI’s presence in Romania as robust as the CIA’s ...
issues about Russia’s influence and interests in Romania. The cable, as reported on ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
In a 2007 cable from the US Embassy to Romania, classified as confidential, Embassy officials write ...
- according to a report on, Romanian version, about the cable - Basescu told Mubarak that Romania ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
documents were published by on Sunday. Other media in Romania also published cables later ...