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07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
countries don't affect their businesses. Unofficially, quite a few fear reprisals in Romania. Italians ...
own some 23,000 companies in Romania, employing some 600,000 Romanians, acting mostly in real estate ...
statistics at the Italian Commerce Institute, Italians invested in Romania some 772 million Euro until ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Commission already has one eye on Romania, which is threatened to see the safeguarding clauses ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The criminal investigation opened against former Romania president Ion Iliescu for the miners ...
06 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
stage for the Euro 2008 championship: the one against Belarus (2:4 in Tirana) and against Romania (1 ...
05 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
after the European Commission opened the second infringement stage against Romania for this tax, the ...
sentence in Romania, admits that he was with Mailat that night and is sure that Mailat didn't kill her ...
"presidential", Romania Libera reads. Whatever Voronin wants to do, it seems to work. A local ...
30 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
on Thursday, in an interview for RFI, that Romania will follow the same path as Hungary, where the ...
reimbursement was forced by the European Court of Justice. At this moment, Romania has two months to ...
Friday, Kovacs also explained that Romania will have to refund the money it cashed from car taxes ...
30 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The European Commission opened on Wednesday the infringement procedure against Romania, arguing ...
emergency. Romania has two months after the opening of the infringement procedures to offer officials ...
30 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Romania because its non-functioning 112 emergency call service, the head of the Special Telecomm ...
budget income is utterly important. Romania risks to become the only European country without an ...
Romania for the Telecomm market, exactly for the problems related to the unique emergency phone ...
30 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
validated by the European Parliament. Romania will be represented in the EP by the ...
29 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
being the main foreign partner of Bucharest. Then the large Italian businesses in Romania begin to ...
Romania, reaching a figure of some 500,000 people, according to unofficial sources. As a consequence ...
for Bucharest: some 22,000 Italian enterprises are active in Romania, compared to only 7,000 firms ...
29 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
caused the low turnout, and the European Commission brings Romania one step closer to the European ...
) - Romanian company Maguay is the second to produce laptops in Romania. The company launched on ...
29 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Russian company Mechel intends to open a third production facility in Romania, buying a local ferro ...
details regarding the price. Analysts underline the fact that Mechel has a firm position in Romania ...
29 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The European Commission opened on Wednesday a new infringement procedure against Romania, following ...
from mobile telephony networks, the same problem Romania has. Both countries are taking measures to ...
make the tracing possible, but the systems were not yet fully installed. Unlike this, Romania is ...
28 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
that can infect humans. Romania dealt with another bird flu outbreak in 2005, when 53 ...
28 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The European Commission opened on Wednesday a new infringement procedure against Romania, given the ...
informs. At the same time, the Commission opened the second stage of procedures against Romania ...
28 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Romanians are not treated as European citizens, Romania president Traian Basescu declared in an ...
28 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The leader of the far right Great Romania Party (PRM), Corneliu Vadim Tudor, decided not to resign ...
office received from persons in Romania and abroad, as he declares. Vadim also launched a virulent ...
expelling from Romania because of some evidence on the involvement of the American official in forging the ...
24 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
improving the poor image Romania has abroad. "A low participation will show clearly that Romanians ...
don't support their own representatives in the EP. Even more, Romania currently suffers from its ...
24 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Economy and Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian declared on Friday that he expects Romania to absorb ...
. Vosganian mentioned that the funds attracted to Romania in its first year after the accession ...
to the EU will be larger than the sum it owes, as a EU member, to the community budget. Romania ...
24 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
/ euro - and the current value is 15.5%, same Cotidianul reads. Despite the 15% loss, Romania now has ...