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10 nov. 2009 HotNews R.R.
de cancer de col uterin cu 94%Romania se situeaza pe primul loc in UE la mortalitatea prin cancer de ...
30 sept. 2008 HotNews R.R.
correct the democracy flaws and to influence reforms, since Romania became a full member of NATO and the ...
Democrats, Conservatives and the far-right Greater Romania Party. Even the Prime Minister, Calin Popescu ...
Tariceanu, stated that Romania has equal rights to all other EU countries and that it should not be ...
14 mar. 2008 HotNews R.R.
. Tolontan claimed in his letter that a major media group and possibly others in Romania use unfair ...
lucrative online business sector in Romania when it came to light that two websites for women ...
14 mar. 2008 HotNews R.R.
2015 is a fair term. Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Bulgaria have to align the taxes in ...
14 mar. 2008 HotNews R.R.
, Romania and Croatia in April. Bush will be in Kiev on April 1 for talks with the president and the ...
14 mar. 2008 HotNews R.R.
Orange Romania will participate in the bid for the WIMAX license, as the company is interested in ...
13 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
decided to visit Romania for one day, preparing for the NATO summit, as Evenimentul Zilei informs. Some ...
12 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
leave Romania without carrying any personal documents. The minister defended his Foreign Ministry ...
12 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Marius Pahomi announces on his blog that Yahoo! will open an office in Romania. "I received the ...
12 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
their tickets, at costs three - four times lower than similar offers in Romania. Also during the ...
12 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Prosecutor General Laura Codruta Kovesi. An if some may think this is a typical gesture for Romania ...
block the investigation. Of course, this is just one of the everyday problems Romania faces ...
to Gandul, the Ministry has received "on paper" 455 kilometers of highway in Romania. The fact is ...
12 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
, becoming the richest man in Romania. Gabriela Ghita, one of the prosecutors under investigation ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Romania president Traian Basescu announced, in a short-notice conference organized just before ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
fine moment for the Moldova president, Vladimir Voronin, to pick on Romania once again, out of the blue ...
days, Moldova president Vladimir Voronin once again picked on Romania, accusing it of "permanent ...
aggression against Moldova". According to Voronin, Romania never fully recognized Moldova as a state ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
countries don't affect their businesses. Unofficially, quite a few fear reprisals in Romania. Italians ...
own some 23,000 companies in Romania, employing some 600,000 Romanians, acting mostly in real estate ...
statistics at the Italian Commerce Institute, Italians invested in Romania some 772 million Euro until ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
Commission already has one eye on Romania, which is threatened to see the safeguarding clauses ...
07 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
The criminal investigation opened against former Romania president Ion Iliescu for the miners ...
06 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
stage for the Euro 2008 championship: the one against Belarus (2:4 in Tirana) and against Romania (1 ...
05 dec. 2007 HotNews R.R.
after the European Commission opened the second infringement stage against Romania for this tax, the ...
sentence in Romania, admits that he was with Mailat that night and is sure that Mailat didn't kill her ...
"presidential", Romania Libera reads. Whatever Voronin wants to do, it seems to work. A local ...
30 nov. 2007 HotNews R.R.
on Thursday, in an interview for RFI, that Romania will follow the same path as Hungary, where the ...
reimbursement was forced by the European Court of Justice. At this moment, Romania has two months to ...
Friday, Kovacs also explained that Romania will have to refund the money it cashed from car taxes ...