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24 oct. 2019 HotNews Editorial Staff
Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) of former president Traian Basescu, later absorbed into the Liberal ...
Defence Staff, a career military man who has joined many missions abroad, including Iraq, Afghanistan and ...
, under Ciuca's command, were active participants. His four year term as Chief of Staff expired a year ...
08 oct. 2019 HotNews Editorial Staff
Former Romanian President Traian Basescu has said that he did not know of any business of former US ...
23 sept. 2019 HotNews Editorial Staff
the PMP party established by former President Traian Basescu, who is now a MEP. A charismatic ...
20 sept. 2019 HotNews Editorial Staff
Former Romanian President Traian Basescu, who this year was elected a member of the European ...
service and secret police during the Communist regime that fell in 1989. Traian Basescu, who ruled ...
Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS) requested the court to establish if Traian ...
07 dec. 2012 HotNews Editorial staff
Democrats and Liberals (USL) against President Traian Basescu over the past seven months, a storm ...
the elections. On the other hand, the main message of USL was not about economy, but against Traian ...
Basescu. The political discourse was harsh for both USL and Basescu, with USL leaders threatening ...
19 ian. 2012 HotNews Staff, adapt. V.O.
Thousands of people were protesting against current president Traian Basescu and his Democratic ...
15 dec. 2010 HotNews Editorial Staff
UPDATE Romanian President Traian Basescu discussed with readers online live on Wednesday ...
. Statements made by Traian Basescu in the online discussion: "The issue of the social state is one of the ...