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04 mai 2008 Ziarul Financiar Tudor Stirbu
Consiliului Judetean (CJ) Cluj, Marius Nicoara. Declaratia lui Nicoara vine dupa ce surse din randul ...
Cartel Alfa Cluj, a spus ca este posibil sa se ajunga la disponibilizari daca Guvernul nu asigura atat ...
09 mai 2004 Ziarul Financiar Anca Rif, ZF Transilvania, Tudor Stirbu
Having looked at Targu Mures, Brasov and Cluj, the representatives of Bechtel, the U.S.-based ...
city of Cluj. Bechtel's headquarters will be located in Cluj-Napoca. "We chose Cluj because it ...
Romania's Cluj office said. The works on the Brasov-Bors motorway are due to begin on July 4, and ...
09 mai 2004 Ziarul Financiar Anca Rif, ZF Transilvania, Tudor Stirbu
Having looked at Targu Mures, Brasov and Cluj, the representatives of Bechtel, the U.S.-based ...
city of Cluj. Bechtel's headquarters will be located in Cluj-Napoca. "We chose Cluj because it ...
Romania's Cluj office said. The works on the Brasov-Bors motorway are due to begin on July 4, and ...
06 mai 2004 Ziarul Financiar Anca Rif, ZF Transilvania, Tudor Stirbu
Osciland intre Targu Mures, Brasov si Cluj, reprezentantii firmei americane care se va ocupa de ...
. Biroul central al firmei Bechtel va fi la Cluj-Napoca. ...
06 mai 2004 Ziarul Financiar Anca Rif, ZF Transilvania, Tudor Stirbu
Osciland intre Targu Mures, Brasov si Cluj, reprezentantii firmei americane care se va ocupa de ...
. Biroul central al firmei Bechtel va fi la Cluj-Napoca. ...