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23 iun. 2011 HotNews Dan Tapalaga adapt. A.C.
the Constitution proposed by President Basescu. Romania offers opportunities but as long as there is ...
corruption and no rule of law, American investors will not invest in Romania, Gitenstein said for ...
in Romania. The American official said that Romania offers plenty of opportunities, because it ...
19 iun. 2011 HotNews Raluca Pantazi, adapt. A.C.
From Hungary, the territorial reorganization of Romania are plans that will never be implemented ...
statements made by the Hungarian PM Semjen that the issue of Romania is a life and death matter for ...
Hungarian ethnics in Romania is just political. In Hungary, the news have never been released as ...
05 iun. 2011 HotNews Cristi Pantazi adapt. A.C.
Romania chief Hamza Karimov said in an interview for Karimov said that SOCAR has no ...
interest in Oltchim, Arpechim or Petrom. Romania is a country close to Azerbaijan, with political ...
refused to express the thought that there is a competition between Nabucco or AGRI. Romania is ...
05 mai 2011 HotNews Cristi Pantazi, adapt. A.C.
​The treaty on the anti ballistic missile interceptors that Romania will sign with the USA will not ... He said that in Romania there will be at least 24 interceptors of missiles and three ...
ballistic missile shield at Deveselu, South Romania, as an opportunity to reinforce its opposition to the ...
13 apr. 2011 HotNews D. Tapalaga, adapt. A.C.
Romania. The independent audit, conducted by experts Drago Kos and Constantine Palicarsky ...
corruption in 2005-2010 in Romania. Here are the most interesting conclusions Justice ...
Romania joined the EU despite efforts to react to corruption in those vulnerable sectors in Romania ...
31 mar. 2011 HotNews Miruna Cajvaneanu adapt. A.C.
. Justice minister Predoiu sent a letter to his Italian counterpart, declaring that Romania is worried by ...
the cases registered in the last weeks. The most recent incident of the sort involved Romania Ilie ...
another 38 year old Romanian killed himself. Another Romania took his life in Castrovillari ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
Romania, with a possibility that Moldova on the right bank of Dniester eventually join Romania, while ...
the left bank (Transdniester) turn to Ukraine. Instead of being absorbed by Romania, Moldova on the ...
right bank of Dniester would unite with Romania in a supra-national structure cold "Romanova ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
groups and Romania’s government to let them launder money in Romania to avoid attacks on Romanian ...
Romania. He suggested, according to the cable, that organized crime in Romania might be so ...
in Romania were under the radar and were secretly and illegally work with government officials ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
: wobbly. The context is an analysis of the judicial system in Romania. Read the info of the cable on ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
visit to Romania. In a meeting with him, the President is quoted in the Wikileaks cable - as reported ...
FBI and underlining that he would like to see FBI’s presence in Romania as robust as the CIA’s ...
issues about Russia’s influence and interests in Romania. The cable, as reported on ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
In a 2007 cable from the US Embassy to Romania, classified as confidential, Embassy officials write ...
- according to a report on, Romanian version, about the cable - Basescu told Mubarak that Romania ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
documents were published by on Sunday. Other media in Romania also published cables later ...
10 oct. 2010 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan, adapt. A.C.
Romania made all its homeworks to join Schengen but not fully yet, the conclusion of a report ...
as it did when Romania joined the EU in 2007, the study reveals. The study also puts forward ...
At its turn, recommendations for Romania are to fulfill all technical requirements, not to leave ...
08 aug. 2010 HotNews Attila Biro, adapt. A.C.
. Unlike Romania, Hungary does not have labor restrictions in the above mentioned countries. Romania's ...
18 iul. 2010 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan, transl./adapt. A.C
reform efforts are too fragmented and the process politicized. Romania did not maintain the reform ...
report. Meanwhile, Romania made steps both forward and downward. ANI, a step back It is ...
Integrity Agency (ANI) was a priority and for some time, it seemed that Romania did well at this chapted ...
12 mai 2010 HotNews A.C. transl/adapt. C.B.
. Daniel Funeriu is the current Education minister in Romania. Students present at the ...
26 ian. 2010 HotNews Ane Marie Blajan, adapt. A.C
willingness to improve relations with Romania after so many years of conflictual and tense relations ...
06 ian. 2010 HotNews Dan Popa, adapt. A.C.
bring Romania closer to Moldova. Romanian authorities seem to be willing to sustain such an effort. ...
27 nov. 2009 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan adapt. A.C
payments funds. The fact that Romania receives this portfolio, is, in a way, a compromise awarded ...
to France, who sustained Romania. France will receive the internal market portfolio through Michel ...
23 nov. 2009 HotNews V.O adapt. A.C.
Romania and their reflection of the electoral campaign TVR 1 offered candidates equal access ...