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27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
In a US Embassy cable quoted by the Romanian version of, Romanian President Traian ...
Basescu is quoted as saying that drug trafficking in Afghanistan was conducted with the complicity of ...
27 mar. 2011 HotNews Politics-Investigative Depts., adapt. A.C.
between Romanian president Traian Basescu and Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak, Basescu offered ...
07 dec. 2009 HotNews Cristian Roman, adapt. A.C.
Traian Basescu was voted by 2111 Romanian citizens of the total of 2363 Romanians that turned out ...
the second round: Turnout: 2463Void votes: 11 Traian Basescu: 2111 votes - 86.10% Mircea Geoana ...
01 sept. 2009 HotNews Anne Marie Blajan, adapt. A.C
. Romanian President Traian Basescu is due to meet the new Dutch Ambassador to Bucharest, Maria ...