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10 dec. 2012 HotNews Dan Tapalaga, adapt. V.O.
Negotiations between the Romanian PM Victor Ponta's Social Democratic Party (PSD), a member of the Social Liberal Union (USL) along the National Liberal Party (PNL), and the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) for a possible collaboration in the Parliament and the Government had started before the Decem
09 dec. 2012 HotNews Dan Tapalaga, adapt. V.O.
Romania is facing yet another one of its all to frequent milestone moments in its recent history ...
West or for nationalist braggarts? On the domestic front, Romania is no longer facing the eternal ...
, with a still more anti-Western, controlled media. Once that phase is reached, Romania is one step ...
22 nov. 2012 HotNews Cristian Pantazi, adapt. V.O.
Romanian President Traian Basescu has demanded "imperatively" a significant rise in allocations for direct payments to Romanian farmers, during his talks with European Council president Herman Van Rompuy on Thursday, European sources told The talks come as EU leaders start marathon
29 aug. 2012 HotNews Dan Popa, adapt. V.O.
outlive their founders, a tendency among private companies in post-communist Romania shows that the ...
insolvency procedure. Milcev says that in today's Romania a family business is often established and ...
. However, in the case of "first generation" family businesses (as are the majority of those in Romania ...
03 mai 2012 HotNews Cristian Pantazi, adapt. V.O.
exploration and exploitation licenses in Romania - all of which are in a stage of exploration for possible ...
10 apr. 2012 HotNews Dan Tapalaga, Cristian Pantazi adapt. V.O.
another Canadian company founded by a US citizen and a Canadian citizen living in Romania since the ...
projects in Romania and Turkey.Contacted by, Stacy Quinney would only say it was "too ...
02 apr. 2012 HotNews Claudia Pirvoiu, adapt. V.O.
". Patruti also said hydraulic fracturing was a standard method used by the oil industry in Romania for ...
licenses in Romania are classified informationAs a general rule, any company holding an oil accord in ...
Romania may operate exploration works for these unconventional resourcesMost companies holding oil ...
08 mar. 2011 HotNews Constantin Barbu, Matei Budes, adapt. V.O.
to find skilled workers here, says Sonja Kreibich, economic attache at the German Embassy to Romania ...
, in an interview with She said Romania remains an interesting market to invest as it ...
professional training, German investors complain about difficulties to find skilled workers in Romania ...
22 feb. 2011 HotNews Claudia Pirvoiu, adapt. V.O.
million lei for 2010. A letter of intention agreed by Romania with the IMF shows that minority or ...
Electra and Hidroenergetica energy groups due to unite state-controlled energy companies in Romania ...
28 ian. 2011 HotNews L. Parvu, adapt. V.O.
implementation in Romania of necessary systems to join Schengen, Marian Tutilescu, head of the Schengen ...
accession, takes place on February 24. France and Germany have been considering that Romania and Bulgaria ...
21 sept. 2010 HotNews Anne-Marie Blajan, adapt. V.O.
relations, and Moldova. Romania and Bulgaria are the most corrupt EU countries. But corruption is not a ...
with Romanian leaders, particularly given that Romania lives right next door to the Republic of ...
has made a number of criticisms on Romania. (…) From the British perspective, we were pleased by ...
05 sept. 2010 HotNews Raluca Pantazi, adapt. V.O.
identifying long-term programs to integrate Rroma people socially and economically in Romania and in Europe ...
protest, Marian Daragiu of the Civic Alliance of Rroma people in Romania. But the explanation of a man ...
25 aug. 2010 HotNews Dan Popa, adapt. V.O.
The most profitable company in Romania last year was a firm established in a village in the county ...
03 dec. 2009 HotNews A.B., D.T., adapt. V.O.
"the financial and banking system in Romania". Sorin Ovidiu Vantu said that "until December 7 I ...
. Nicolae Popa fled Romania in 2000. ...
23 nov. 2009 HotNews V.O adapt. A.C.
Romania and their reflection of the electoral campaign TVR 1 offered candidates equal access ...
20 nov. 2009 HotNews Attila Biro, transl/adapt. V.O.
As Romania prepares for presidential elections on Sunday, November 22, several mayors belonging to ...
considered for the vote. Mayors in town halls in villages and small towns across Romania were phone called ...
18 nov. 2009 HotNews V.O. transl/adapt. C.B.
expression guaranty. The Pact has been initiated by 14 media organisations from Romania, according to ...
for Journalists MediaSind, the AltPHel Association, The Hungarian Journalists Assembly from Romania ...
future president of Romania will support the journalists' access to public information, including ...
14 oct. 2009 HotNews Anne-Marie Blajan, adapt. V.O.
A coalition formed of Social Democrats (SDP), Liberals (NLP) and Hungarian Democrats (HUDR) would be probably subject of as much internal tension as the coalition of SDP and Democratic Liberals (DLP), Economist Intelligence Unit analyst Joan Hoey has told She believes the best prosp
08 sept. 2009 HotNews V.M. transl/adapt. V.O.
, Romania will start vaccinating against the virus in the first day of December, a Health Ministry ...
19 aug. 2009 HotNews V.O. transl/adapt. C.B.
Facebook development in Romania is more spectacular than the global data this social network ...
recorded, according to an analysis received from Httpol Romania. The increase of the platform ...
aged between 18 and 34, while 56% are women. Httpool Romania, an interactive marketing agency set ...