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Radu Rizea, HotNews

200 articole publicate pe HotNews 85 in nov. 2008
Data Articol
30 nov. 2008 Exit polls - Social Democrats in lead; no clear winner
30 nov. 2008 34.48 turnout at 18:00h in general elections first scrutiny
30 nov. 2008 PM Tariceanu: Liberal Party and Romania evolved together
30 nov. 2008 Social-Democrat leader: We must start putting up the future Government tonight
30 nov. 2008 Social Democrat head wins 71% in his college, PM Tariceanu gains only 45.4%
30 nov. 2008 Tariceanu puts all alliance calls on hold
30 nov. 2008 Democrat Liberal leader: The winner of these elections is the Romanian Right
28 nov. 2008 Electoral campaign ended at midnight, on Friday
28 nov. 2008 PM Tariceanu: Car tax will be suspended on December 15, in worst case scenario
28 nov. 2008 BRD fined 5 MN Euros, fine challenged in Court
28 nov. 2008 The Economist: East European economies crack, with Romania and Bulgaria the worst off
28 nov. 2008 Romania: last-but-one EU state in legal minimum wage
28 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 28, 2008
27 nov. 2008 President Basescu: "As far as I've seen, Romanian industry doesn't look like being in very difficult situation"
27 nov. 2008 EU pays in advance 768 MN Euros for projects using structural funds
27 nov. 2008 Azomures sends all employees to temporary unemployment
27 nov. 2008 Holland postpones labor market liberalization for Romanian and Bulgarian workers
27 nov. 2008 Terrorist attacks against Western citizens in India
27 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 27, 2008
27 nov. 2008 Economist Intelligence Unit estimates 2.6% economic growth for Romania in 2009
27 nov. 2008 Telephony operators, forced to inform authorities on call data
25 nov. 2008 Bulgaria loses 220 MN Euros worth of PHARE funds
25 nov. 2008 Google may lay off 10,000 employees
25 nov. 2008 Dacia may lay off 600 employees
25 nov. 2008 London analyst: "The medium-term outlook for the Romanian economy is negative"
25 nov. 2008 UK Govt. cuts VAT to 15%, increases income tax
25 nov. 2008 UK treasury may buy 33 - 50% of RBS Securities Romania
25 nov. 2008 Wall Street Journal: Romania and Bulgaria threatened by the global crisis shock wave
25 nov. 2008 Elba Timisoara temporarily lays off 80% of all personnel
21 nov. 2008 Russian natural gas giant Gazprom decreases production
21 nov. 2008 PM Tariceanu: Romania's economic growth lower in 2009, compared to 2008. 6% is the optimistic prognosis
21 nov. 2008 Cold weather warning, snow expected
21 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 21, 2008
21 nov. 2008 Romania president Traian Basescu: The availability of Romania-made products is much higher than the media claims
18 nov. 2008 Central Bank counselor: Banks borrow money with 10% interest and loan it with 35%
18 nov. 2008 Romanian PM Tariceanu: 70% of all Romania's trade is within the EU. Romania can't avoid being affected by the crisis
18 nov. 2008 Telecomm controversies arise on offers comparing application
18 nov. 2008 Anti-graft head: European Commission will keep monitoring Romanian Justice in 2009
18 nov. 2008 EC recommends members to lift restrictions against Romanian workers
18 nov. 2008 It's official: Yahoo! CEO will resign
18 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 18, 2008
18 nov. 2008 Ireland maintains restrictions because it learned its lesson with the Polish
18 nov. 2008 Banks' Association President: Bankers will demand Central Bank to revise credit regulations
16 nov. 2008 UPDATE Coal mine explosions kill 12, injure 14
16 nov. 2008 Fitch: Romanian banks face higher risks in the context of the international crisis. Adoption of European currency possible in 2015
16 nov. 2008 Barack Obama urges Congress for adoption of the second US economy bailout plan
16 nov. 2008 G20 members agree on new international financial regulations. Bush warns that protectionism is not a solution
14 nov. 2008 Central Bank sources: Flat tax must grow to 19%
14 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 14, 2008
14 nov. 2008 Romania gains ground in new EC energy action plan
14 nov. 2008 Some 3 million Vodafone users would agree to receive advertising messages
14 nov. 2008 Institute for Public Policies: One million Romanians abroad will not be able to vote
14 nov. 2008 Euro zone faces first recession
13 nov. 2008 Asian markets keep falling, oil price at new low
13 nov. 2008 Media organizations against digital television emergency ordinance
13 nov. 2008 Romania president Traian Basescu: Romania must form a Government quickly after the elections
13 nov. 2008 PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu: The Government has a plan to rise above the crisis
13 nov. 2008 Real estate agencies: Real estate prices dropped 15-20% on all segments
13 nov. 2008 Official data: German economy is in recession
13 nov. 2008 Tough rules for telecomm operators, better client information demanded
13 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 13, 2008
11 nov. 2008 Government cancel teachers' raise postponing Ordinance
11 nov. 2008 Romanian strategic territorial development policy made official
11 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 11, 2008
11 nov. 2008 Annual inflation slight increase
11 nov. 2008 Romania president Basescu: A coup d’état is being prepared
11 nov. 2008 NGOs find 130 "stained" candidates on electoral lists
08 nov. 2008 Union workers cancel some of the strikes
08 nov. 2008 RCB to shut down empty, inactive accounts
08 nov. 2008 EU to organize a second summit for the financial crisis, after Washington
08 nov. 2008 Romanian president, Traian Basescu: EU opts for reforming the international financial system
07 nov. 2008 Russian policy to divide Europe can be counteracted by putting up an integrated gas market
07 nov. 2008 Romania president Basescu: We need an international corruption surveillance system
07 nov. 2008 Asian markets fall again. Oil price drops under 60$
07 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 7, 2008
07 nov. 2008 London analyst: Romania should let its currency free
07 nov. 2008 Human Rights Watch: Romania must tell the truth about the illegal CIA prisons, before being forced by eventual USA unveilings
05 nov. 2008 Champions League: CFR Cluj - Bordeaux: 1 - 2
04 nov. 2008 Oil price drops to 59$
04 nov. 2008 Raiffeisen Bank president: Some foreign banks may become interested in Romania in 2009
04 nov. 2008 What the newspapers say: November 4, 2008
04 nov. 2008 Extreme reaction in France: The state may take over banks in case they refuse to offer credits
04 nov. 2008 Romanians go to work even after catching a cold
04 nov. 2008 Romania needs between 5 and 7 billion RON financing before the end of the year
04 nov. 2008 Standard & Poor's lowers rating for Romanian hydro energy producer