Mesajul a fost trimis. Multumesc!

Adina Ardeleanu (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu), Bursa

263 articole publicate pe Bursa 6 in sept. 2014
Data Articol
19 sept. 2014 The directorate of SIF3: "Frăţilă is getting ready for a hostile takeover of SIF Transilvania"
09 sept. 2014 A Stock Exchange standing on the legs of the government
03 sept. 2014 Pogonaru replies to Ciurezu, through proxies
03 sept. 2014 Pogonaru replies to Ciurezu, through proxies
02 sept. 2014 Adrian Gurzău: "The ASF defies us every day"
01 sept. 2014 King Sobolewski and Queen Tănăsoiu