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04 mar. 2015 HotNews A.C.
Prahova, unde judecatorii urmeaza sa decida daca emit sau nu mandat de arestare preventiva pe numele sau ...
la sediul Tribunalului Prahova. In cursul zilei de miercuri, judecatorii de la aceasta instanta ...
rau in timp ce era transportat catre arestul Politiei Prahova, situat in municipiul Campina, la 30 de ...
02 mar. 2015 HotNews A.C.
% pe care trebuiau sa ii primeasca in fiecare an de la Administratia Finantelor Publice Prahova si ...
Judetene a Finantelor Publice Prahova, nepusa in aplicareUn cititor a trimis pe adresa redactiei ...
documente care arata ca in urma unei sentinte date in 19 iunie 2013, Tribunalul Prahova a obligat ...
20 dec. 2013 HotNews A.C.
, Braila, Buzau, Prahova, Dambovita, Arges, Ilfov si zona preoraseneasca a municipiului Bucuresti ...
08 nov. 2013 HotNews A.C.
judetele Prahova, Giurgiu, Arad, Calarasi si Ialomita. DNA a precizat ca este vizata activitatea a ...
29 mai 2013 HotNews A.C.
, noteaza Mediafax. Prezent, joi seara, la Ploiesti, unde a participat la lansarea filialei Prahova a ...
22 mai 2011 HotNews A.C.
Bucharest, two houses in which he lives and two holiday houses. In addition he has five fields in Prahova ...
11 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
A team of Romanian researchers detected in Slanic Prahova traces of radioactive iodine in the rain ...
04 apr. 2011 HotNews A.C.
Romania with 1.4% increases, Sibiu with 0.8%, Prahova with 0.5% and Brasov with 0.4%. Unemployment ...
25 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
. Elsewhere in the news, another AH1N1 confirmed case in Prahova county. Social Democrats and ...
committed in Romania. A 20 year old youngster from Prahova county was diagnosed with the AH1N1 ...
19 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
2011 on May 12. Last but not least, a pregnant woman who died due to A/H1N1 in Prahova County, nearby ...
06 ian. 2011 HotNews A.C.
destinations were on Prahova Valley where the occupation rate hit 98%. Romanians preferred big cities for ...
16 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
regain the wealth confiscated by Communists in Bucharest and Prahova, Evenimentul Zilei reads. In 20 ...
years, after changing ten lawyers, addressing courts in both Bucharest and Prahova, Barlea received ...
a final decision for a property in Slanic Prahova, of about 47.8 acres. However, in reality the land ...
15 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Gandul that the idea occurred to her as she travelled to Prahova Valley and because it snowed a bit ...
09 nov. 2010 HotNews A.C.
Bucharest. Except for Bucharest, other well paid people are in Prahova, Constanta South East Romania ...
13 sept. 2010 HotNews A.C.
hired by Procter and Gamble at Urlati, Prahova county. Which means that 33 people competed for each ...
29 aug. 2010 HotNews A.C.
, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Prahova, Salas, Suceava, Timis, Vaslui, Tulcea, Valcea si Vrancea. The ...
21 iun. 2010 HotNews A.C
the Prahova Valley, for which he pays 760,000 euro taxes. Out of all ministers in the Boc ...