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22 dec. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
Bucharest - 14, Cluj (Central-West) - 13, Brasov (Central) - 5 and Sibiu (Central) - 4. Since the new ...
10 dec. 2009 HotNews Vlad Barza, transl/adapt. C.B.
sofware centres in Cluj (Central-West) and in Brasov (Central) and it won one of the ten categories ...
-Napoca and Brasov. The headquarters is in Frankfurt am Main and consultancy offices are located in ...
01 dec. 2009 HotNews L. Parvu, R.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
Approximately 300 people protest in Brasov (Central Romania) on Tuesday afternoon, in the centre of ...
. Approximately 300 people protest in Brasov (Central Romania) on Tuesday afternoon, in the centre of the city ...
the communism!", "Brasov, Timisoara, tomorrow all the country!", "Down with the dictatorship ...
26 nov. 2009 HotNews C.B.
. In Iasi (North-East) and in Brasov (Central), prices dropped 25%, while in Timisoara (West ...
12 nov. 2009 HotNews Adrian Novac, transl/adapt. C.B.
Over 27 years ago, Mihai Codrescu was sent by the Autoexport plant in Brasov (Central Romania) in a ...
was sent by his employer, Autoexport from Brasov, in Czechoslovakia for business. Using his work ...
10 nov. 2009 HotNews Alina Neagu, transl/adapt. C.B.
), Brasov (Central), Dambovita (South), Sibiu (Central), Mures (Central), and one case in Hunedoara ...
18 oct. 2009 HotNews C.B.
way Ceausescu handled the strike in Brasov in 1987. Foreign intelligence managed to get him out of ...
30 sept. 2009 HotNews C.B.
crisis, the university cannot afford to hire new staff. The tractor factory from Brasov ...
Machinery Equipment opened a factory in Rasnov-Brasov and it aims to reach a production capacity of ...
apply for funds in order to buy tractors. The new factory from Brasov is the company's fifth plant ...
02 sept. 2009 HotNews Vlad Barza, transl/adapt. C.B.
Preh GmbH company from Bad Neustadt/ Saale (Germany) opened a new production unit in Brasov ...
current year, the plant in Brasov will hire 95 staff, planning to increase to 250 staff by the end of ...
next year. The plant is situated in the Brasov–Ghimbav Industrial Park, on Brasov's West border ...
11 aug. 2009 HotNews Dragos Comache, transl/adapt. C.B.
5,799 companies going out of business, and Brasov (Central) - 4,630. Moreover, 13,031 companies ...
10 aug. 2009 HotNews C.B.
absorption of European funds in this sense is weak. A case in Tarlungeni locality, Brasov (Central ...
09 aug. 2009 HotNews V.M. transl/adapt. C.B.
A car with numbers from Central Romania (Brasov, Transilvania) hit one of the famous band U2 cars ...
09 iul. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
, followed by Cluj (Central-West) - 4,945, and Brasov (Central) - 4,007. Regarding the companies ceasing ...
09 iul. 2009 HotNews D.G. transl/adapt. C.B.
his visits to two Bucharest-Brasov motorway sites. UPDATE: Friday's negotiations between Turkey ...
06 iul. 2009 Cancan Gabriel Esanu, C.B.
platim TVA-ul cand pleaca un jucator in strainatate", a tunat Dumitru Dragomir. (C.B.) Program ...
Iasi Unirea Alba Iulia - FC Brasov Poli Timisoara - Gloria Bistrita Astra - Pandurii FC Vaslui ...
05 iul. 2009 HotNews C.B.
swine flu. Both patients are men. One is a 54-year old from Brasov (Central Romania), recently returned ...
patients is hospitalised at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases from Brasov, the other is currently ...
02 iul. 2009 HotNews C.B.
Bucharest, retuned from Mexico, a 25-year old man from Brasov and a 22-year old woman from Galati, both ...
at the Infectious Diseases Hospital from Brasov, both mildly affected. Medical authorities have ...
18 iun. 2009 HotNews Ioana Morovan, transl/adapt. C.B.
Bucharest - Brasov motorway route could not accelerate pass the expropriations. Current Barcanesti ...
15 iun. 2009 Buna ziua Brasov C.B.
deşeurilor, se va afla astăzi şi mâine la Braşov. Instituţia Prefectului Judeţul Braşov şi Agenţia ...
pentru Protecţia Mediului (APM) Braşov va facilita investitorilor străini vizitarea depozitului ecologic ...
12 iun. 2009 Buna ziua Brasov C.B.
Purtătorul de cuvânt al PSD Braşov, Răzvan Popa, a declarat ieri că în perioada imediat următoare ...
telefonic, preşedintele PD-L Braşov, George Scripcaru, ne-a declarat că este o eroare de înţelegere la ...