31 mar. 2011 |
CNA cere discutii cu jurnalisti si cu sefii Realitatea si Antena 3 pe teme de ingerinte in politica editoriala si solicita lamuriri referitoare la litigiile RCS-RDS |
31 mar. 2011 |
Consiliul Director BRAT are trei membri noi |
31 mar. 2011 |
Consiliul de Administratie al Realitatea Media - convocat pe 5 aprilie pentru a "pune in discutie contractul de management" cu Asesoft |
30 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: SRR vrea un post in Republica Moldova. Campanie de PR cu studenti. Cresteri mari pentru cheltuielile online din Marea Britanie. Schimbari la conducerea News Corp |
28 mar. 2011 |
Grupul media CME achizitioneaza o companie ceha de distributie si numeste un nou director financiar la Media Pro Entertainment |
25 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Zile si Nopti isi anunta retragerea din SNA. O noua grila TVR 3. Conferinta pe tema publicitatii pe mobil |
24 mar. 2011 |
Cristina Mazilu - sefa diviziei digitale a GolinHarris Bucuresti |
24 mar. 2011 |
Sefa sectiei Politic de la Antene, Sorina Matei: "Mi-am depus la secretariat demisia" din trust, pe seama unui interviu stabilit cu presedintele Basescu |
23 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Zile si Nopti ameninta cu retragerea din SNA. 43 de agentii europene participa la AdPrint 2011 |
22 mar. 2011 |
UPDATE Audiente in presa tiparita: Ziarele pierd in continuare cititori, cu foarte putine exceptii. Se mentin diferentele mari intre numarul de ziare vandute si cel al cititorilor |
21 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Om nou la Oxygen PR. Parteneriat intre V+O si Corporate Citizenship. Contul de media al Microsoft pentru America de Nord - la Starcom Mediavest |
21 mar. 2011 |
Sorin Oancea, B1 TV: Continutul va arata daca suntem sau nu partizani politici |
21 mar. 2011 |
BBC World Service va primi bani de la Guvernul SUA pentru a lupta contra cenzurii - The Guardian |
21 mar. 2011 |
Moise Guran va realiza la Europa FM emisiunea "Romania in direct" |
18 mar. 2011 |
Dispute politice pe seama radioului public din SUA: Camera Reprezentantilor voteaza taierea fondurilor de la buget pentru reteaua NPR |
18 mar. 2011 |
Lucian Bute va promova brandul national de turism al Romaniei la meciul cu Magee |
17 mar. 2011 |
Conglomeratul media News Corp, controlat de Rupert Murdoch, este dat in judecata pentru "nepotism" |
17 mar. 2011 |
Grupul CME isi extinde serviciul video on demand pe toate pietele unde este prezent |
17 mar. 2011 |
Publicitatea in ziarele americane a atins cel mai scazut nivel din ultimii 25 de ani |
16 mar. 2011 |
Primele emisiuni B1 TV dupa relansare: gale de box, stiri si interviuri cu Sanda Nicola, talk-show-uri la pranz si seara, un nou matinal, divertisment seara |
15 mar. 2011 |
CNA: Amenda de 20.000 de lei pentru Realitatea in cazul Anastase-Videanu si de 5.000 de lei pentru 10 TV in cazul Rusanu |
14 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: HyperActive ofera stand-up comedy online. Campanie Coca Cola-Maroon 5. O noua televiziune online. Al saptelea serial sud-coreean, la TVR |
14 mar. 2011 |
Britanicii au talent - auditii pe YouTube |
11 mar. 2011 |
The story of a Romanian in Japan: Japanese are as frightened of quakes as Romanians, but they're less choleric and are trained psychologically from kindergarten |
11 mar. 2011 |
State of nuclear emergency in Japan in wake of earthquake |
11 mar. 2011 |
Tsunami alert in 20 countries and all US West Coast following Japan earthquake |
11 mar. 2011 |
VIDEO Tokyo hit by earthquake - amateur images |
11 mar. 2011 |
Romanian President in Brussels for European Council meeting |
11 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Intalniri pe tema efectelor new media asupra presei locale. O noua editie Online MeetUp. Adrian Artene si-a dat demisia de la National |
11 mar. 2011 |
Realitatea Media, despre blocarea conturilor de catre ANAF: protocolul de esalonare a datoriilor a fost ignorat |
10 mar. 2011 |
Romania Supreme Court decides: influential politician Dan Voiculescu collaborated with Ceausescu-era secret police, the Securitate |
10 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: 23, Rogalski-Grigoriu si Republika lucreaza pentru UniCredit Tiriac. Companiile de publicitate indoor si-au facut asociatie |
10 mar. 2011 |
Opposition official claims Romanian President Basescu was a communist-era political police informer |
10 mar. 2011 |
Deputy head of Romania governing party says coalition considers reduction of 16% flat tax, warns about energy security |
10 mar. 2011 |
CNA: Antena 3 - amendata cu 20.000 de lei din cauza acuzatiilor lui C.V. Tudor. Somatie publica pentru Antena 1 in cazul Elodia |
10 mar. 2011 |
Trade unions announce protests on censure motion day |
10 mar. 2011 |
Directorul financiar Ringier paraseste boardul executiv al grupului elvetian |
10 mar. 2011 |
Two Italian citizens retained for trying to leave Romania with newborn baby |
09 mar. 2011 |
Social Democratic leader says Romanian opposition would support incumbent Sorin Oprescu for Bucharest Mayor |
09 mar. 2011 |
Former Romanian minister defends himself against allegations of involvement in corruption scheme |
09 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Huidu revine azi la Cronica Carcotasilor. Identitatea de brand a scolii de media a trustului Intact - realizata de Seed Consultants |
09 mar. 2011 |
German group TUI displeased with Romanian seaside prices and services |
09 mar. 2011 |
Telecom operator Romtelecom launches new TV platform: films, shows and sports content can be accessed on the Internet |
08 mar. 2011 |
Romania government assumes responsibility before Parliament over new Labor Code. Opposition submits censure motion |
08 mar. 2011 |
Playboy ii raspunde lui Ponta in cazul Roxanei Golban: "s-a comportat ca un sacerdot al inchizitiei", dar "il respectam" deoarece "si-a admis eroarea" |
08 mar. 2011 |
Romanian PM Emil Boc: Rising fuel prices are bad effect of cession of Romania's oil reserves |
08 mar. 2011 |
President Basescu to Gulf investors: If you truly want to see Romania, I recommend a helicopter, not cars |
08 mar. 2011 |
Government assumed responsibility over new Labor Code |
07 mar. 2011 |
Report: No inquiry on abuse of dominant position finalized by Romania Competition Council |
07 mar. 2011 |
Meciul Bute-Magee va fi transmis si de Radio Romania Actualitati |
07 mar. 2011 |
Romanian President Basescu: Finance Ministry to push for idea of uniting Financial Guard, Customs within fiscal authority ANAF |
07 mar. 2011 |
Romania 63rd worldwide in list of countries seen as most attractive for tourism development |
07 mar. 2011 |
Muammar Gaddafi uses Serb, Ukrainian, Romanian mercenaries to attack rebels, Arab newspaper claims |
07 mar. 2011 |
Yahoo! launches Romanian language version |
07 mar. 2011 |
Three officers of Bucharest organized crime direction caught in the act claiming bribe |
07 mar. 2011 |
Tnuva closes Romanian farm on financial consideration |
04 mar. 2011 |
Dinu Patriciu si Adevarul sustin la unison Codul Muncii |
04 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Divizie noua la Medien Holding. AdEvolution preia vanzarile romanialibera.ro. Petrom continua campania "Redescopera Romania" |
04 mar. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: March 4, 2011 |
04 mar. 2011 |
Negotiations between BCR management and employees fail |
04 mar. 2011 |
Investments in Romanian energy projects postponed or abandoned |
04 mar. 2011 |
Vodafone head Vittorio Colao in talks with Romanian PM Emil Boc |
03 mar. 2011 |
Discovery cauta zece "eroi" romani printr-o campanie ce va incepe vineri |
03 mar. 2011 |
Romanian deputy claims fiscal officials demanded him bribe to prevent controls on his businesses |
03 mar. 2011 |
Bucharest ambulance service eyes Guinness Book with 7,000 people learning resuscitation on stadium |
03 mar. 2011 |
The list of Romanian firms with debts to recover from Libya |
03 mar. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: March 3, 2011 |
03 mar. 2011 |
Verdict postponed in Romanian businessman-politician Dan Voiculescu's political police case |
03 mar. 2011 |
Incep inscrierile pentru Effie Awards Romania 2011 |
03 mar. 2011 |
Cosmote is first Romanian operator to report number of iPhones it sold in Romania |
03 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: TVR 1 amendat pentru un documentar. Raluca Moianu va realiza la postul public emisiunea "Perechea potrivita". Kanal D anunta oficial retragerea directorului Hatice Kolat |
03 mar. 2011 |
Report: Whole structure of Romanian Finance Ministry must be reconsidered |
03 mar. 2011 |
Romania economy down 1.3% in 2010, according to revised data |
03 mar. 2011 |
Lukoil plans to build solar and wind energy parks in Bulgaria and Romania |
02 mar. 2011 |
Top fiscal authority official and Bucharest Bar lawyer arrested under traffic of influence charges |
02 mar. 2011 |
US Justice Dept approves extradition of Romanian Mihai Necolaiciuc |
02 mar. 2011 |
Bloomberg: Rompetrol group willing to get loan to cover debt to Romania |
02 mar. 2011 |
Parties supporting Romania governing coalition have signed collaboration protocol |
02 mar. 2011 |
Confidential report says General Secretariat of the Government must be restructured |
02 mar. 2011 |
Bill legalizing prostitution rejected by Romanian Senate |
02 mar. 2011 |
Bucharest District 6 mayor indicted for abuse in office |
02 mar. 2011 |
Bucharest Mayor says Beijing suspended highway may be model for Romanian capital city |
02 mar. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: March 2, 2011 |
01 mar. 2011 |
Head of Bucharest branch of Democratic Liberal Party dismisses rumors of plans to run for Bucharest City Hall |
01 mar. 2011 |
Head of Bucharest customs office resigns |
01 mar. 2011 |
Analysts' perception on Romania economy prospects improves |
01 mar. 2011 |
Romanian deputies reject bill regulating witchcraft |
01 mar. 2011 |
Former Termoelectrica manager retained |
01 mar. 2011 |
Pe scurt: Contul Winston trece la Publicis. O noua editie PR Forum. Schimbari la Realitatea FM. Un nou matinal la Kanal D |
01 mar. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: March 1, 2011 |
01 mar. 2011 |
Dacia to stop production of Logan VAN but will build new utility car in Morocco starting early 2012 |
01 mar. 2011 |
Eurobarometer: 46% of Romanians pleased with their lives, only 4% believe economy is well |
01 mar. 2011 |
Competition Council analyzes Boom TV takeover by Romtelecom |