30 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Si-au inceput petrecerea in Vama Veche cu sex frenetic in vazul lumii; Biciclisti in pielea goala, o modalitate de promovare a turismului romanesc; A inventat periuta de dinti cu manivela |
30 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Roxana Ionescu a mimat sexul "pe la spate" cu sfarcurile la vedere; Steluta, noua "gagica" a lui Pepe; Adelina Pestritu: "Nu imi doresc o noua relatie. Ma satisfac singura"; Un baiat de bani gata, impresionat de prestatia Danielei: "Crudu e de 9,50 la pat!" |
30 apr. 2011 |
Neuronul stingher: Bonfim isi baga ceva in Steaua, iar Gigi Becali ii transmite ca nu va mai intra in vestiarul sfant:) |
29 apr. 2011 |
Prezidential counselor Sebastian Lazaroiu dismissed / Lazaroiu says he wishes to focus on political analysis and not to have his activity associated with the Presidency |
29 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc: austerity measures adopted by Romania are implemented now by important EU member states |
29 apr. 2011 |
UPDATE Sorin Ovidiu Vantu and Ion Ilie Cezar arrested for 29 days |
29 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc: state companies are not charitable companies |
29 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc: there’s no reason to give p the objective to join euro zone in 2015 |
29 apr. 2011 |
PHOTOGALLERY The British Royal Wedding celebrated at Bucharest |
29 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 29, 2011 |
29 apr. 2011 |
Dumitru Costin: 30,000 state company employees to be laid off |
28 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Oana Zavoranu, exorcizata: "S-au scos demonii din mine"; Scene XXX in "Burlacul 2"; Pepe a fost aproape sa-i taie o mana lui Costin Marculescu; Se bate cu Luciu in sani naturali; Dudu Steel divorteaza pentru ca l-a inselat nevasta |
28 apr. 2011 |
Sterling Resources calls for force majeure on perimeters leased in the Black Sea |
28 apr. 2011 |
Most immigrants in Romania come from the Middle East |
28 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 28, 2011 |
28 apr. 2011 |
EurActiv.ro: Interviu - Fiica lui Gaddafi le spune copiilor povesti despre viata de apoi: "Vreau sa ii pregatesc. In timp de razboi nu stii niciodata cand se va sfarsi totul" |
28 apr. 2011 |
Competition Council fined three companies dealing with fruits and vegetables by 16.7 million lei |
28 apr. 2011 |
Danish Parliamentarians oppose Romania and Bulgaria’s joining Schengen |
28 apr. 2011 |
Neuronul Stingher: Gigi Becali: "Dumnezeu a spus ca barbatul e barbat si femeia curva" |
28 apr. 2011 |
Republic of Moldova’s interim President thanks Romania for the financial support |
28 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Barbati violati salbatic de femei; Si-a tatuat 305 steaguri pe tot corpul; Uite cum arata un joc de societate la puscarie; Maimuta care vrea sa mai dea jos din burtica; Scoala in care profele fac sex cu elevii |
28 apr. 2011 |
US Ambassador to Bucharest Mark Gitenstein discovered the death certificate of this great great grandfather |
28 apr. 2011 |
A 23 year old Romanian is the image of the Italian Mille Miglia 2011 race |
27 apr. 2011 |
Ioan Avram Muresan former Agriculture minister sentenced to 7 years of prison for corruption |
27 apr. 2011 |
EU’s appointee Marian Petre’s at Eulex mission triggers reactions in Kosovo |
27 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc revealed his email address |
27 apr. 2011 |
Mihai Tanasescu: IMF has no doubt whatsoever about Romania’s deficit for 2010 |
27 apr. 2011 |
529 people become Romanian citizens |
27 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 27, 2011 |
27 apr. 2011 |
Nokia to lay off about 4,000 people by the end of 2012 / In Romania Nokia will fire 120 employees |
27 apr. 2011 |
Government approves emergency ordinance to receive the last installment from the EC |
27 apr. 2011 |
66 customs officers and police officers from Siret customs indicted by anti graft prosecutors |
26 apr. 2011 |
Pope sends red eggs to Romanian gypsies who occupied the San Paolo basilica |
26 apr. 2011 |
Romanians and Japanese work to replace the sparking plug with lasers to increase car engine efficiency |
26 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc: Romania to decide by the end of the month whether it will maintain its euro zone objective |
26 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Adrian Tutu este marele castigator "Romanii au talent"! Tudy a iesit camuflat de la Oana Zavoranu!; Carla Bruni, gravida in luna a 2-a! |
26 apr. 2011 |
5.2 billion lei budgetary deficit after Q1 representing 1% of GDP |
26 apr. 2011 |
National Integrity Agency will be able to control wealth statements of union leaders |
26 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 26, 2011 |
26 apr. 2011 |
Mihai Tanasescu: the decision to postpone the adoption of euro is correct / The economy is still recovering |
26 apr. 2011 |
Eurostat: we have reserves to the quality of some data sent by Romania / National Statistics Institute: we are verifying the data |
25 apr. 2011 |
Government gives up plans to join euro in 2015 |
25 apr. 2011 |
Romanian arrested on Malta airport with 2 kg of cocaine |
23 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Ce buna e Claudia Pavel aproape goala; Pamela de Romania: "Daca imi dai mie ceasul, iti fac sex oral"; Zavo, Pepe ti-a compus o piesa lacrimogena; Lesko baga barbatii cu capul intre picioare; Sanzi, cu sanii pe-afara la biserica |
22 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 22, 2011 |
22 apr. 2011 |
The file involving media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu for favoring Nicolae Popa, postponed for May 20 |
21 apr. 2011 |
What the newspaper say: April 21, 2011 |
21 apr. 2011 |
US compliments Romania for hosting refugees from Eritrea |
21 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Oana Lis, satisfacuta de Tolea; Andreea Mantea: "Al doilea lucru pe care il fac perfect cu gura este sa zambesc"; Bianca Dragusanu stie sa manuiasca maciuca; Dani Otil a dezbracat-o pe Cecilia Enache; Gerard Pique are penis supradimensionat; Sanziana, ce te mai pricepi s-o lustruiesti |
21 apr. 2011 |
Presidency: Emil Boc will ensure the interim at the Labour ministry |
21 apr. 2011 |
Sebastian Ghita released an audio conversation in which media mogul Vantu threatened him |
21 apr. 2011 |
An IMF mission arrives in Romania in the end of April for a first evaluation of the precautionary agreement |
21 apr. 2011 |
Marius Petcu indicted by anti graft prosecutors |
21 apr. 2011 |
Judo: Alina Dumitru, European Champion at Istanbul |
21 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Berea cu Viagra iti provoaca o erectie puternica si nu te imbata; Extraterestrul descoperit in Siberia e din paine; Malaezia: Tabara anti-gay, destinata corectarii comportamentului efeminat al elevilor musulmani; Au muncit 46 de ani sa puna in pom 9.800 de oua |
20 apr. 2011 |
VIDEO Media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu and Ion Ilie Cezar retained for 24 hours by prosecutors for blackmail and threats |
20 apr. 2011 |
UPDATE PDL leaders demand PM Boc a minister from the party / See the names in the cards for the Labour ministry |
20 apr. 2011 |
Mugur Isarescu: when defending the national currency, the best approach is neither aggressive nor barbarian |
20 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 20, 2011 |
20 apr. 2011 |
State Secretary Nicolae Ivaschescu will ensure the interim of the Labour Ministry after Ioan Botis’s resignation |
20 apr. 2011 |
Labour minister Ioan Botis resigned: It is the right thing to do, to resign and resolve my problems in private |
20 apr. 2011 |
Iraqi Foreign Affairs minister: if Romanian authorities call for the expatriation of Mohammad Munaf, we will cooperate |
19 apr. 2011 |
Euractiv.ro: Dutch Parliamentarians request a re-examination of plans regarding Romanian and Bulgarian temporary workers |
19 apr. 2011 |
Utile: Semne care arata ca te pandeste Alzheimerul; Programul haotic de munca si turele de noapte "aduc" cancerul; Angelica, leac pentru oboseala cronica; Parintii alcoolici risca sa transmita "viciul" copiilor |
19 apr. 2011 |
Vladimir Voronin accuses Moldovan Defense ministry of forging secret deals with Bucharest |
19 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Blonda care vrea sa rastoarne toate sondajele cu pieptul inainte; Oana Lis a vrut sa mulga un berbec; Tantareanu a pupat sanii apetisanti ai amantei lui Rica Raducanu; Raduleasca si Elan, impreuna de Paste; Uite cat de penibile sunt Bianca si Cruduta incercand sa o imite pe Beyonce |
19 apr. 2011 |
Dinel Staicu (Nutu) arrested in Hungary |
19 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: 19 April 2011 |
19 apr. 2011 |
Ford produced a little over 2,500 cars at Craiova, South Romania in Q1 / Duster represented over half of the production at Dacia |
19 apr. 2011 |
World Bank: Romania, the biggest economic growth within newly EU member states in 2012 |
19 apr. 2011 |
Generali Asigurari announces the payment of the biggest damage in the history of the insurance market in Romania: 55.2 million lei for damages at Dragonul Rosu complex |
19 apr. 2011 |
Romania risks losing 1.5 billion euro if it does not manage to sell CO2 certificates |
18 apr. 2011 |
French Interior minister: France reaffirms its conviction that Romania needs to enter Schengen |
18 apr. 2011 |
Amy Winehouse to perform in Romania |
18 apr. 2011 |
Project setting up Electra and Hidroenergetica companies failed/ Economic ministry plans to privatize management for a quarter of the state companies |
18 apr. 2011 |
Real estate agencies fined with over 430.000 lei for breaching consumers rights |
18 apr. 2011 |
Renault introduced electric cars in Bucharest |
18 apr. 2011 |
Government took responsibility for the law on education salaries and the social dialogue code/ PM Boc: increases should not be made without coverage in the economy |
18 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 18, 2011 |
18 apr. 2011 |
Bucharest City Hall public servants sentenced to prison for corruption |
15 apr. 2011 |
U2 will not perform in Bucharest this year |
15 apr. 2011 |
A Romanian attacked with eggs the German President at Wiesbaden |
15 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Scandal erotic in campania electorala in Spania. O candidata apare in sanii goi pe afis, cu motto-ul "Doua mari argumente"; Va deveni mama la 95 de ani; O trupa din Rusia canta la iPad si iPhone; Cum arata o "coada la carne" in Zimbabwe |
15 apr. 2011 |
Romania registered in March the biggest annual inflation rate in the EU of 8% |
15 apr. 2011 |
British Ambasador to Bucharest: well qualified work force is an advantage of Romania but it needs fiscal and legislative predictability |
15 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s public television 2010 report: 162 million lei deficit / Advertising revenues amounted to 8.78 million euro |
15 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 15, 2011 |
15 apr. 2011 |
Utile: Cum alegi cea mai buna carne de miel; Secretele longevitatii: munca si sexul; Femeile mor mai repede din cauza alcoolului |
15 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Sanzi isi spala masina cu sanii uzi fleasca; Irinel: "Monica avea oroare de copiii grasi si isi infometa fiica"; Vezi ce vedete nu au diploma de liceu; Cu cine flirteaza Tudy in club; Pamela de Romania: "Am facut sex cu prietena mea"; Kate Winslet, sex oral cu Guy Pierce |
14 apr. 2011 |
Romanian swimmer Dragost Agache pulled a national record at 200 m breaststroke |
14 apr. 2011 |
Romania and Bulgaria are not ready to join Schengen |
14 apr. 2011 |
Italian press: President Traian Basescu offered to host Tunisian immigrants |
14 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Andrei Duban, la un pas sa faca sex in public; Amanta lui Piturca, in amor cu ex-iubitul Luminitei Anghel; Lui Botezatu i s-a pus pata pe sanii ei; Ion Columbeanu, atac fara precedent la nora sa: "Monica e o curva! Practica prostitutia de la 10 ani" |
14 apr. 2011 |
The first infringement against Romania, ruled at the European Court of Justice was won by the Romanian state |
14 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 14, 2011 |
14 apr. 2011 |
Argentina: Authorities opened an investigation in the case of the Romanian citizen who died in suspect conditions in Santo Rosa penitentiary |
14 apr. 2011 |
Environment minister: we will not remove the first registration tax |
14 apr. 2011 |
Interviu Spiegel cu Secretarul General al NATO: "Nu exista o solutie militara pentru conflictul din Libia" |
14 apr. 2011 |
Cannes Festival: Radu Mihaileanu with La Source des femmes and Catalin Mitulescu with Loverboy in the official selection |
14 apr. 2011 |
Euractiv.ro: Meglena Kuneva visits Romania to promote passengers’rights |
14 apr. 2011 |
Utile: Cat de eficiente sunt afrodisiacele. Lista celor mai puternici stimuli sexuali; Antidepresivele produc neuroni noi si regenereaza creierul; Se poate muri de plictiseala. Concluzia unui studiu care a durat 25 de ani; Cat de periculos e iodul radioactiv |
13 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 13, 2011 |
13 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s foreign debt increased by 1.1% in the first two months of the year to 91.79 billion euro |
13 apr. 2011 |
Dacia will cease production between April 22 and May 2 |
13 apr. 2011 |
Environment ministry: Romania is not liable for payments for exceeding dust values |
13 apr. 2011 |
Foreign direct investments doubled in the first two months of the year to 294 million euro |
13 apr. 2011 |
PM Boc calls Chinese investors to build highways and hydro plants in Romania |
12 apr. 2011 |
Romanian businessman George Brailoiu donates Cioran’s manuscripts to the Romanian Academy: Take it as a symbolic gesture, in a time when we need symbols |
12 apr. 2011 |
Utile: Ce contine "leacul contra obezitatii" descoperit de cercetatorii americani; Efectele televiziunii asupra copiilor: se maturizeaza mult prea repede si sunt expusi la prea mult sex; Top zece alimente care tin in frau pofta de mancare |
12 apr. 2011 |
Schengen: Romania and Bulgaria are ready to implement the acquis |
12 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Pamela de Romania: "Pot sa stau fara sex, folosesc dusul"; Madalin Voicu tinea catalogul fetelor cu care avea relatii intime: "Aveam rubrici si dadeam note"; Ramona Lazuran: "Daniela Crudu nu e deloc o tipa inteligenta. Ea practica sexul pe bani" |
12 apr. 2011 |
Asesoft Distribution was fined by about 775.000 euro by the Competition Council |
12 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Vrei sa faci sex cu Hannah Montana? Costa 28 de dolari; Mananca buretele din canapele; Sfideaza moartea in fiecare seara. Unui baiat de 12 ani i se opreste respiratia de fiecare data cand adoarme |
12 apr. 2011 |
Romanian Dumitru Prunariu decorated at Kremlin by Dmitri Medvedev for his achievements in space |
12 apr. 2011 |
Traces of radioactive iodine in rain water and sheep milk in Romania / Nuclear Physics Institute: extremely low values, with no impact on the population or the environment |
12 apr. 2011 |
Neuronul Stingher: Marioara Zavoranu spune ca nu si-a insultat fata, ci "a mai dat-o la dracu", iar Porumboiu nu l-a "porcait" pe Andone ci doar a "citat din clasici in viata" |
12 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 12, 2011 |
12 apr. 2011 |
President Basescu: the objective to join euro in 2015 remains unchanged but it needs to be re-analyzed from the crisis’ perspective |
11 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Homosexual francez amendat pentru ca isi plimba in lesa amantul roman; Top 5 masini ale viitorului. SF-ul ar putea deveni realitate in 2012; Are orgasm si cand mananca |
11 apr. 2011 |
Vasile Blaga submits candidacy for PDL President: my objective is to maintain PDL in the government after 2012. This is the only way Romanians can have the guarantee of better living standards |
11 apr. 2011 |
Senate postpones again the validation of the Superior Council of Magistracy members representing the civil society on political grounds / Governing coalition left the meeting to postpone the decision |
11 apr. 2011 |
3,000 CFR Marfa employees to be laid off starting June 1 |
11 apr. 2011 |
Geneva’s inventions expo: 24 gold medals, 18 silver medals, 7 bronze medals and 20 special prizes for Romania |
11 apr. 2011 |
Capital Economics: Romania will continue to speed up but on bumpy roads |
11 apr. 2011 |
Emil Boc submitted his candidacy for PDL President: my objectives – to win local and Parliamentary elections in 2012 / I believe in a Romania that would reach the EU living standard |
11 apr. 2011 |
Intel has 30 employees in Bucharest, Romania and plans to triple the numbers by the end of the year |
11 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Cat de mare o are de fapt Tudy; "Printul" face perversiuni pe net cu Bianca langa el; Loredana Chivu, "fiarta" pe showuri erotice; Andreea Banica: "Am vrut sa ma sinucid cand m-am certat cu Lucian" |
11 apr. 2011 |
The decree expatriating Mihai Necolaiciuc from the US, signed by US State Secretary Hillary Clinton/ Former CFR director will be brought in Romania in several days |
11 apr. 2011 |
UPDATE A 6.6 Richter scale quake hit East Japan / Authorities issued a tsunami alert/ Fukushima plant employees evacuated |
11 apr. 2011 |
Annual inflation exceeded 8% in March |
11 apr. 2011 |
Romanian astronaut Dumitru Prunariu will be decorated by Dmitri Medvedev at the 50 years anniversary of the first man to fly into space |
11 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 11, 2011 |
11 apr. 2011 |
IMF: Romania’s economy to increase by 1.5% this year and by 4.4% in 2012 |
11 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s commercial deficit decreased by 52% up to 582.4 million euro in the first two months of 2011 |
08 apr. 2011 |
Romanian boxer Lucian Bute: I will fight in Romania on July 9 |
08 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 8, 2011 |
08 apr. 2011 |
Georg Brailoiu: I decided to buy Cioran’s manuscripts a day before the auction, surprised that the Romanian state does not attend |
08 apr. 2011 |
Dem Lib Deputy Dan Pasat indicted |
08 apr. 2011 |
Romania Nicolae Popa will be brought in Romania before Easter |
08 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s Economy ministry signed the contract with the Renaissance Russians who won the mediation of the sales offer of 9.84% of OMV Petrom |
08 apr. 2011 |
Topoloveni jam on the European quality food products list |
07 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s Foreign Affairs ministry: Filaret Motco’s body will arrive in Romania on Friday morning |
07 apr. 2011 |
EU Court of Justice: car registration tax is too high and discourages second hand purchases from other states |
07 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Cine este Viorel, cel care nu violeaza cum trebuie; O pensionara de 75 de ani din Georgia a lasat trei tari fara conexiune la internet; Cea mai usoara metoda sa "sifonezi" un Porsche de 440.000 de dolari; Un barbat a condus 6 kilometri fara sa realizeze ca-i lipseste o roata |
07 apr. 2011 |
53 raids across South Romania for arms smuggling and electronic frauds |
07 apr. 2011 |
Conflict between the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Justice ministry/ Justice Ministry: we do not take responsibility for the 2010 justice report |
07 apr. 2011 |
A Romanian, private person, bought all documets pertaining to Romanian writer Cioran at the Paris auction with 405,000 euro |
07 apr. 2011 |
7.4 earthquake in Japan / Tsunami alert |
07 apr. 2011 |
Romania’s Central Bank Governor: higher living standards this year will be felt in production and export industries only, but it will delay in the budgetary area |
07 apr. 2011 |
27 searches of antidrug investigators in Lugoj and Timis, West Romania |
07 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Colegii lui Tudy in ipostaze XXX; Zavoranu, scorpie si in spital; Porno-ziarista este insarcinata, dar nu stie cine e tatal; Tatal Monicai: "Fata mea a ajuns virgina la Bucuresti"; Laurette a facut istoria cu femeia de serviciu: "Turnul din Pisa, Turnul Eiffel si ala din China sunt trei dintre cele sapte minuni ale lumii" |
07 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 7, 2011 |
06 apr. 2011 |
Senate postpones the election of civil society representatives in the Superior Council of Magistracy / Senators quarreled on the voting order |
06 apr. 2011 |
EC sues Belgium and warns Romania for not respecting EC norms on air quality |
06 apr. 2011 |
Romanian Nicolae Popa will be expatriated and arrive in Romania in 30 days |
06 apr. 2011 |
EC formally requests Romania to eliminate regulated prices in natural gas and electric energy |
06 apr. 2011 |
SOURCES: Conflict between the President and the Prime Minister / PM Boc refuses to quit until the PDL congress and the President withdrew his support for PDL presidency |
06 apr. 2011 |
EP received the request to lift immunity of MEP Adrian Severin |
06 apr. 2011 |
SOURCES Economy ministry has 2-3 options to reorganize the energy sector, besides setting up giants Electra and Hidroenergetica |
06 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 6, 2011 |
06 apr. 2011 |
Analiza EurActiv.ro: Rolul Uniunii Europene in guvernarea globala |
06 apr. 2011 |
Fiat recalls in Romania over 200 Grande Punto cars for possible problems |
06 apr. 2011 |
The state will subsidize by over 5,000 euro institutions that opt for electric cars |
05 apr. 2011 |
Underwater robots found the bodies of Air France 2009 crash victims / Motors and high pieces of the place also found |
05 apr. 2011 |
Law on stray dogs euthanasia adopted in the Administration Committee of the Chamber of Deputies |
05 apr. 2011 |
PM Emil Boc: Professors will receive salary rests in installments starting 2012 |
05 apr. 2011 |
Tata Motors interested to invest in Cluj, Central Romania |
05 apr. 2011 |
Papa Roach, Hatebreed and Therapy? rock Bucharest in July |
05 apr. 2011 |
Development ministry to spend 50 million euro to build a new concert hall in Bucharest |
05 apr. 2011 |
Chamber of Deputies Judicial Committee validates the 5 civil society candidates in cards to occupy the Superior Council of Magistracy seat |
05 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 5, 2011 |
04 apr. 2011 |
Death threats at Realitatea TV/ Board members submit a penal complains, accusing pressures from media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu "who coordinates a mob group"/ Vantu: Sebastian Ghita no longer manages Realitatea TV |
04 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Oana Zavoranu a lesinat in cafenea. Fotografii excluzive cu Oana la reanimare; Mateut, arestata in Olanda pentru ca a folosit carduri false; Simona Sensual se deterioreaza pe zi ce trece. Vezi ce bataturi are; Celebrul Tom Sizemore, prins cu "pasarica" in gura |
04 apr. 2011 |
UPDATE Fukushima: TEPCO will spill 11,500 tons of water, with a low level of radiation in the Pacific / The operations started |
04 apr. 2011 |
Two new wind parks in Dobrogea, South East Romania |
04 apr. 2011 |
Former PSD deputy Emilian Cutean sentenced to 5 years of prison / The court’s decision is not final |
04 apr. 2011 |
Azerbaijan state oil company plans to open 300 gas stations in Romania |
04 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 4, 2011 |
04 apr. 2011 |
Suede to perform in Romania on June 4 |
04 apr. 2011 |
Faze Tari: A vazut 10.000 de meciuri pe 3.000 de terenuri; Cum sa joci badminton cu sabiile laser din Star Wars; Iti zice lumea ca esti tare-n gura? Nu esti daca nu poti sa faci asa ceva: Uite cum ia o masa in dinti si o arunca peste cap |
04 apr. 2011 |
IMF released the government’s intent letter/ See Romania’s commitments |
02 apr. 2011 |
Faze tari: Fenomen bizar: Le "fierbe" apa in fantana!; A fost insarcinata timp de 30 ani!; O frizerita si-a luat la bataie clienta in timp ce o coafa. |
02 apr. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Prima fotografie cu Liz Taylor nud!; Chiar e indragostita Bianca! A renuntat la mii de euro de dorul lui Cristea; Zavo, naveta la Bruxelles pentru sex cu Tudy |
01 apr. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: April 1, 2011 |
01 apr. 2011 |
Gabriela Bordea is Tarom’s new General Director |
01 apr. 2011 |
Al Bano to perform in Bucharest in June |
01 apr. 2011 |
UPDATE UN HQ in Afghanistan attacked: at least 7 UN employees killed by violent protesters dissatisfied of the burning of Koran in the US/ A Romanian UN employee was decapitated, official sources report |
01 apr. 2011 |
Consumul de oua si colesterolul |
01 apr. 2011 |
Renault chooses Romania over France for the contruction of new engines on gasoline |