30 iun. 2008 |
Peste 3 milioane de romani au urmarit finala Euro 2008 |
30 iun. 2008 |
Burse de jurnalism pe probleme de sanatate mintala, de la Centrul Carter si CJI |
28 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO 200 km per hour aboard a Ferrari in Maranello, Italy |
25 iun. 2008 |
BBC axes Romanian language services |
25 iun. 2008 |
Se inchide BBC Romania |
24 iun. 2008 |
Schimbari la editia aniversara a AdPrint din 2009 |
24 iun. 2008 |
Agentia Nicola Porter Novelli va asigura serviciile de PR pentru Oracle |
24 iun. 2008 |
Piata est-europeana de televiziune pe baza de abonament se va dubla pana in 2013 |
24 iun. 2008 |
British Ambassador to Romania Robin Barnett in Q&A session with HotNews.ro readers |
23 iun. 2008 |
Spania-Italia - cel mai urmarit meci din sferturile Euro 2008 |
23 iun. 2008 |
Seful Reporteri fara Frontiere ii cere lui Traian Basescu sa boicoteze deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice de la Beijing |
20 iun. 2008 |
Brand Connection preia contul media al Intesa Sanpaolo. O noua campanie publicitara si pentru Millennium Bank |
18 iun. 2008 |
Romania leaves Euro 2008 - reactions at home and abroad |
17 iun. 2008 |
Incidente violente in Piata Constitutiei |
17 iun. 2008 |
Bucharest prefect Deaconescu to be replaced |
17 iun. 2008 |
Romania - Netherlands 0-2 / Italy - France 2-0 Van Persie sends Romania home, Italy accompanies the Dutch to quarterfinals VIDEO |
17 iun. 2008 |
Infrastructure works in North Bucharest delivered to Portuguese company without public tender |
17 iun. 2008 |
Bucharest District 1 mayor Chiliman faces inquiry two days after reelection |
16 iun. 2008 |
Euro 2008: Most bookmakers name Romania favorite against Dutch in key Tuesday match |
16 iun. 2008 |
Candidate defeated in Voinesti, Romania to become mayor after rival died on local elections day |
16 iun. 2008 |
The Marketer renunta la colaborarea cu regia de vanzari Upgrade |
16 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO: Reclame cu zombi si Emil Gradinescu pentru Coca-Cola, pe parcursul Euro 2008 |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: "Real estate polls" near Bucharest take place under police scrutiny |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: turnout of 33.84% nationwide by 5 p.m. |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: turnout of 23.23% nationwide by 2 p.m. |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: turnout of 7.02% nationwide by 10 a.m. |
15 iun. 2008 |
Successful surgical intervention for Romanian football player Mirel Radoi in Zurich |
15 iun. 2008 |
Second round of local elections takes place in Romania on Sunday |
15 iun. 2008 |
Sorin Oprescu to become Bucharest mayor - exit-polls |
15 iun. 2008 |
Kosovo Albanians take over control from UN administration with new Constitution now in place |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: Should Oprescu become Bucharest mayor, leftist forces would be able to negotiate government alliances, says Reuters |
15 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: voting in Voinesti, NE Romania goes on despite one candidate died |
15 iun. 2008 |
Sorin Oprescu: I am the first independent mayor of Bucharest. Blaga: I ran a well-intended campaign |
15 iun. 2008 |
Speculation on key Group C match Romania-Netherlands intensifies, Dutch dismiss idea of losing voluntarily |
13 iun. 2008 |
Colliers: Old apartment prices in Bucharest down while new apartments stagnated in May this year |
13 iun. 2008 |
Romania Senate speaker threatens President Basescu with new suspension |
13 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO Dorel muta Euro 2008 pe un santier arheologic, deocamdata doar la TVR1 |
13 iun. 2008 |
Ziua Agentiilor de Presa, editia a treia, 18 iunie: rolul agentiilor in sfera Internet |
13 iun. 2008 |
Partial results: Irish reject Lisbon Treaty with 54.7% against |
13 iun. 2008 |
Euro 2008: Romanian coach Piturca puts Codrea, Radoi and Chivu in the midfield against Italy |
11 iun. 2008 |
HotNews.ro correspondent to Italy is the only Romanian journalist to take part in extensive study on Romanian migrants |
11 iun. 2008 |
Romanian central bank governor Isarescu: Economic growth to exceed 6% should 2008 be good farming year |
11 iun. 2008 |
Kidnappers of Alumil company manager demand 30 million euro ransom |
11 iun. 2008 |
Raport Fitch: Romania reprezinta o oportunitate pentru grupurile internationale de media |
10 iun. 2008 |
Un avion cu 180 de oameni la bord s-a prabusit in Sudan |
10 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO Cel putin 100 de morti in urma catastrofei aviatice din Sudan |
06 iun. 2008 |
Programul de asistenta bilaterala britanic-roman Global Opportunities Fund - Reuniting Europe ia sfarsit |
06 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO / UFOs in Romania? MIG 21 Lancer plane hit by four unidentified flying objects in Central Romania |
05 iun. 2008 |
Initiative Romania o numeste New Media manager pe Iuliana Stere |
05 iun. 2008 |
"Magie" Youtube: un truc interactiv cu carti de joc face audiente de milioane |
04 iun. 2008 |
Romanian man kept mother's dead body at home for three years to cash her pension |
04 iun. 2008 |
Dot ro domain among the most dangerous worldwide |
04 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO Romanians mocked in the last Toyota commercial in France |
04 iun. 2008 |
Radioactive alert in Europe following incident at Slovenia nuclear power plant. Slovenian nuclear chief says no influence expected |
03 iun. 2008 |
Dacia Sandero price in Romania to range between 6890 and 9850 euro, VAT included |
02 iun. 2008 |
Parteneriat publicitar intre Brandstalk si Howard Johnson |
02 iun. 2008 |
Radio 21 se extinde pe web si vinde spatiu publicitar prin Boom |
02 iun. 2008 |
Directorul de PR Larisa Toader paraseste Bigger Group |
01 iun. 2008 |
Romania beats Montenegro 4-0 in last friendly match before Euro 2008 |
01 iun. 2008 |
VIDEO Large fire reported at Universal Studios |
01 iun. 2008 |
Macedonia parliamentary elections marred by violence |
01 iun. 2008 |
Voting starts in Romania local elections |
01 iun. 2008 |
Electoral chaos in Stefanesti village near Bucharest as real estate businesses there amount to hundreds of millions euro |
01 iun. 2008 |
Rumors on exit-polling market: Blaga would beat Oprescu by 2-5% in clash for Bucharest mayor |
01 iun. 2008 |
Romania local elections: Vasile Blaga claims 33% of votes for Bucharest mayor, independent Sorin Oprescu - 30% |
01 iun. 2008 |
23.26% of Romanians voted in local elections by 2 pm on Sunday |
01 iun. 2008 |
Romania Stock Exchange to extend daily trading by two hours starting June 9 |
01 iun. 2008 |
Turnout in Romania local elections reaches 49.38% by closing polls |
01 iun. 2008 |
Bucharest mayor candidates react after first round of local elections |
01 iun. 2008 |
NGO head: price of vote in Romania local elections rises to 800-1000 euro |
01 iun. 2008 |
Vladimir Putin: NATO enlargement means new Berlin Wall |
01 iun. 2008 |
Organization and application of rules show most problems in Romania local elections, NGO says |
01 iun. 2008 |
Top corruption cases in Romania under European scrutiny as Olli Rehn shows interest in ex-PM Nastase's case |
01 iun. 2008 |
Voters turnout 7.01% by 10 a.m. in Romania local elections |
01 iun. 2008 |
Top politicians, candidates vote early in local elections. PM Tariceanu in apparent breach of voting rules |
01 iun. 2008 |
Exit-poll: Emil Boc retains seat as Cluj mayor with 75% of votes in Romania local elections. Close fight in Iasi, Ciuhandu relected in Timisoara and Mazare in Constanta |
01 iun. 2008 |
Voters turnout less than 35% in Romania local elections by 5 p.m. |