25 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 25, 2011 |
24 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 24, 2011 |
23 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 23, 2011 |
22 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 22, 2011 |
21 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 21, 2011 |
21 feb. 2011 |
Inna wins Golden Globe in Netherlands |
21 feb. 2011 |
Anti graft prosecutors retain police officers from the Albita customs |
21 feb. 2011 |
UPDATE Massive raids at Albita customs; 53 police officers arrested including chief of the customs police |
21 feb. 2011 |
Romania and Bulgaria’s chances to join Schengen depend on the next EC report |
21 feb. 2011 |
Unions to protest starting February 28 and enter in strike when the labour code is to be promulgated |
21 feb. 2011 |
100 Romanians requested Romania’s Embassy to Tripoli support to leave Libya |
21 feb. 2011 |
Over 10 Romanian companies to attend the IT fair CeBit Hanovre |
18 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 18, 2011 |
18 feb. 2011 |
Neuronul Stingher: Radu Tudor, despre Traian Basescu: "a cules vant si culege furtuna" |
18 feb. 2011 |
Sources: President Basescu met Central Bank deputy governor Cristia Popa to propose the Prime Minister seat |
18 feb. 2011 |
ZEW and Erste survey: Romania’s economic perspectives for the next six months improved |
18 feb. 2011 |
EC report on Bulgaria: Bulgaria made insufficient progress in its judicial reform and fight against corruption |
18 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Ce trebuie sa manance un copil pentru a fi sanatos; Peelingul pe baza de lapte praf si fulgi de ovaz amelioreaza ridurile; Branza si cola in exces ne pot ucide; Cele mai bune solutii pentru detoxifiere |
18 feb. 2011 |
European Commission might present the interim justice reports on Romania and Bulgaria |
18 feb. 2011 |
EC report: Romania mad progress in its anti-corruption fight but needs to accelerate high corruption cases trials / Ridzi and Pasat cases, reproaches of the EC |
18 feb. 2011 |
AFP: Romania’s political class endangers the country’s adhesion to Schengen |
18 feb. 2011 |
Romanian Intelligence Service to pay 50,000 lei damages to businessman Dinu Patriciu for illegally tapping his phones |
18 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Cruduta a "calarit" un "pursange" arab; Torje a rupt lesa cu o bruneta de 1,90 metri; Fernando de la Caransebes vrea sa fie manechin pentru Bote; Dansatoarei Deliei i-a placut viata de mica; Simona, cine te-a facut zdrente? |
18 feb. 2011 |
Senate’s Speaker Mircea Geoana: EC report proves that the ruling coalition push Romania downwards |
18 feb. 2011 |
Sources: deputy governor Cristi Popa was never considered for the Prime Minister seat and he did not have a meeting with the President |
18 feb. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Un roman s-a impuscat in cap, incercand sa explice interlocutorului ce e ruleta ruseasca; Mexicanii au produs prima bere pentru homosexuali. Cu gust de miere; Isi ingroapa sotia de vie pentru ca bataia e prea putin |
18 feb. 2011 |
Dacian Ciolos about the EC report: the appraisals should not be diminished nor exaggerated |
18 feb. 2011 |
Justice minister Catalin Predoiu on the EC report: Romania proved the necessary political will to continue reforms |
17 feb. 2011 |
Romania on first place in the EU on construction activity in December |
17 feb. 2011 |
Rockefeller Group plans to invest over 100 million euro in the real estate market in the region including Romania |
17 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 17, 2011 |
17 feb. 2011 |
Romania’s tourism will be promoted on the internet / Who are the foreign tourists, where do they come from, where do they stay in Romania and what comfort they seek |
17 feb. 2011 |
Tourism minister Elena Udrea: Romanian tourism managed to pull out from the crisis |
17 feb. 2011 |
Justice minister Catalin Predoiu: we will present a pack of measures following ECHR’s pilot decision against Romania |
16 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 16, 2011 |
16 feb. 2011 |
Railway state companies’ arrears increased by 2.248% in 10 years |
16 feb. 2011 |
In 2010, the economy decreased its contraction to 1.2% |
16 feb. 2011 |
Sources: New twists in Democratic Liberal options: a technocrat PM might be in the cards again |
16 feb. 2011 |
The trial involving media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu will still be presided by judge Camelia Bogdan |
16 feb. 2011 |
Romanian TV star Teo Trandafir remains at Vienna hospital as her health condition worsen |
16 feb. 2011 |
Bulgarian official: Romania’s joining Schengen will not be postpone because of Bulgaria / Romania and Bulgaria will adopt a common declaration on Schengen |
16 feb. 2011 |
Social Democrats threaten to submit a motion of censure after the Hungarian Democrats congress |
16 feb. 2011 |
Oxford Economics revises previous estimates and forecasts that Romania’s economy will grow this year |
16 feb. 2011 |
Higher Court of Justice decided to have the 15 customs and police officers from the Moravita customs in preventive arrest |
15 feb. 2011 |
Former customs chief Marius Ungureanu: I bribed Marica, he is the main beneficiary of the system / There was no way you could exit |
15 feb. 2011 |
Wikileaks: Romania, among dissatisfied countries by the NATO response at the Russian military exercises in 2009 |
15 feb. 2011 |
Reactions to the Isarescu solution: Andrei Mare This is Basescu’s attempt to put the pressure of the crisis on other shoulders / L. Orban: Basescu cannot be so tactless/ L. Olguta Vasilescu: Basescu desperately seeks an independent PM |
15 feb. 2011 |
Orange and Vodafore fined by 63.1 million euro for abuse of dominant position |
15 feb. 2011 |
Sources: President Basescu to propose Cristian Popa as Prime Minister / However, things get complicated as the party would opt for Blaga |
15 feb. 2011 |
Sources New names for the PM position discussed on Monday night by President Basescu with PDL leaders / President Basescu is expected at the Democratic Liberal Party parliamentary groups |
15 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 15, 2011 |
15 feb. 2011 |
The ninth trial term involving media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu. Vantu threatens to hunt down Basescu and demanded the judge’s replacement |
15 feb. 2011 |
Higher Court of Justice rules the appeal of 15 customs and police officers from Siret Customs |
14 feb. 2011 |
UPDATE Senate validates the 8 members of the Superior Council of Magistracy/ Dan Lupascu, Lidia Barbulescu and Dan Chiujdea excluded |
14 feb. 2011 |
Faze Tari: Are orgasm de fiecare data cand mananca; Face "surfing" pe masina; Calareste taurul in sanii goi; O fetita din China are 26 de degete |
14 feb. 2011 |
Justice Minister Predoiu: Senate needs to validate the 8 magistrates legally elected by the Superior Council of Magistracy / Any other decision would be contrary to the Constitution |
14 feb. 2011 |
Government rejects civil partnership which legalizes same sex unions |
14 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 14, 2011 |
14 feb. 2011 |
Adevarul Holding shuts down the print version of the Blik daily in Ukraine |
14 feb. 2011 |
Lotus to open showroom in Romania |
14 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Surprizele din produse "0%"; Reclamele TV ingrasa; Boabele de cacao ne scapa de tuse; Zece alimente afrodisiace pentru Ziua Indragostitilor |
14 feb. 2011 |
Solution to unlock 84 million euro from the EU for broadband internet in poor areas in Romania, to be presented to the EC next week |
14 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Reprezentantul Romaniei la Eurovision, David Bryan, face sex cu iubita in fata camerei web; Bianca Rus: "Marimea nu conteaza, diametrul da! Sunt mica si jucausa"; Adelina Pestritu: "Natalia saruta mai bine decat un barbat"; Uite-o pe Antonia cu scame, pe parul neepilat de pe picioare |
14 feb. 2011 |
European Commissioner Viviane Reding about arrests at Romanian customs: it is a sign that justice starts to work |
14 feb. 2011 |
The Senate debates on validating the 8 members of the Superior Council of Magistracy/ Judicial Committee rejects the version to validate those magistrates about whom the Constitutional Court did not make any mention |
12 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Otetul de mere, un leac cu beneficii multiple; Conopida te apara de bolile de inima; Remedii luate din padurea de conifere; Dieta de aur pentru o inima puternica |
12 feb. 2011 |
Faze Tari: "Lichior din trei penisuri" pentru un sex fierbinte de Ziua Indragostitilor; Elvis Presley, erou de film porno; Prins dupa ce si-a uitat dintii in masina furata; Un restaurant vinde genti din pielea animalului pe care tocmai l-ai mancat |
12 feb. 2011 |
Neuronul Stingher: Fotbalistul Lucian Burdujan, catre un jurnalist de la Click: "Sterge-ma de pe Google!" |
12 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Tal: "Pe fosta amanta cred ca nu o reguleaza nimeni"; Ioana Popescu sare pe MM Stoica: "Ai uitat cand te holbai la mine in piscina lui Borcea"; Simona Sensual se joaca cu sani artificiali |
11 feb. 2011 |
Foreign direct investments dropped b 25.5% in 2010 to 2.59 billion euro |
11 feb. 2011 |
IMF intent letter: the government will privatize some energy companies if it will fail to create Electra and Hidroenergetica giants |
11 feb. 2011 |
Current account deficit increased by 5% in 2010 to 5.15 billion euro |
11 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Cum economisesti caldura; 6 lucruri pe care le poti face cu o picatura de sampon; Iata cum poti reduce stresul de la serviciu |
11 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Reprezentantul Romaniei la Eurovision s-a masturbat in fata unei admiratoare; Ioana Popescu despre tentativa de viol: "Daca nu-si aduce aminte, mergem la detectorul de minciuni"; Blonda lui Iri, hartuita de fostul sot; 4 vedete autohtone cu abdomen de invidiat |
11 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 11, 2011 |
10 feb. 2011 |
President Basescu for RRA: How is it possible to accuse the ruling party of corruption at the customs when the operation was undertaken now, when the party is still ruling? It is a huge intoxicating action |
10 feb. 2011 |
Arges court decided to arrest 32 people in the customs scandal / Another 12 customs and police officers from Naidas – Moravita customs received temporary arrest warrants |
10 feb. 2011 |
Cablegate scandal: Boeing accused Airbus for attempting to bribe Romania’s government in 2008 for a contract with Tarom |
10 feb. 2011 |
Halmeu customs scandal: Eugeniu Petrescu is on the Democratic Liberal Party donors list in 2004 and 2006 |
10 feb. 2011 |
Peter Husslein, Sorin Ovidiu Vantu’s gynecologist: "I organized Vantu’s treatment at Vienna. I did not treat him, because he did not have a gynecological problem" |
10 feb. 2011 |
National Customs chief Radu Marginean dismissed by PM Boc/ New arrest waves in the Naidas and Moravita customs |
10 feb. 2011 |
The three people indicted in the Halmeu customs case remain under arrest |
10 feb. 2011 |
14 Romanians exploited and beaten by co-nationals in Spain |
10 feb. 2011 |
President Basescu: EU justice report on Romania will be released on Friday / We needed the Pasat case to shatter suspicions that we have a Superior Council of Magistracy that lacks credibility |
10 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 10, 2011 |
10 feb. 2011 |
Dutch minister: it’s in Romania’s interest to join Schengen when it is ready |
09 feb. 2011 |
45 of the customs and police officers picked up after Tuesday’s raids, detained for 24 hours |
09 feb. 2011 |
Netherlands: Romania and Bulgaria cannot join Schengen at this stage |
09 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 9, 2011 |
09 feb. 2011 |
National Agency for Fiscal Administration chief called by PM Boc for an evaluation of the situation at Romania’s customs |
09 feb. 2011 |
National Customs Chief Radu Marginean indicted by anti graft prosecutors for bribe taking |
09 feb. 2011 |
Romanian minors’ virginity out for auction, 40 pimps arrested in Italy |
09 feb. 2011 |
RFI: EU declassifies Romania's Schengen technical reports |
08 feb. 2011 |
Socialist MEP Hannes Swoboda for RFI: the arrests at the customs are a good sign |
08 feb. 2011 |
The map of corruption cases at Romania’s customs/ See in the article the status of trials against customs officers |
08 feb. 2011 |
Romania’s Foreign Affairs ministry warns that some roads and customs points in Greece will be blocked |
08 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 8, 2011 |
08 feb. 2011 |
Romanian railways unions threaten to strike in March |
08 feb. 2011 |
UPDATE Deputies rejected the request of anti-graft prosecutors to arrest Dan Pasat / Democratic Liberal Pasat requests anti-graft prosecutors to send the file to justice |
08 feb. 2011 |
Higher Court of Justice rejects the appeal of Siret customs police officers against the anti graft prosecutors’ decision to temporary arrest them |
08 feb. 2011 |
Shift foreman at Moravita Customs wanted together with another 6 people |
08 feb. 2011 |
IMF: we agreed on Romania’s future necessary policies |
07 feb. 2011 |
President Traian Basescu: Romania will sign in March a new precautionary agreement with the IMF for 2 years with 5 billion euro at our disposal/ We will not take the last installment from the IMF loan, worth 1 billion euro |
07 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 7, 2011 |
07 feb. 2011 |
Al Jazeera to launch a channel for the Balkans |
07 feb. 2011 |
French European Affairs minister: we do not oppose Romania’s adhesion out of principle, but Romania and Bulgaria cannot join the next 3 months |
07 feb. 2011 |
Finnish European Affairs minister: we are interested to see if the arrested Romanian customs officers will be sentenced |
07 feb. 2011 |
IRES survey: Russia, France and Germany – Romania’s main enemies |
07 feb. 2011 |
PM Emil Boc: we will request EU to lift the VAT registration limit to 50,000 euro |
07 feb. 2011 |
Mugur Isarescu: inflation will drop below 7% in January |
07 feb. 2011 |
Sony names new chief over operations in Romania |
07 feb. 2011 |
Rome: fire in a Romanian gypsy camp leaving 4 dead children |
05 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Cafeaua le face pe femei mai inteligente, dar ii prosteste pe barbati; Alcoolul ingrasa la fel ca produsele de tip fast-food; Sase pasi pentru o sanatate de fier |
05 feb. 2011 |
Faze Tari: In chiloti si sutiene pe strada; O rusoaica si-a mumificat sora moarta si apoi a vrut sa o invie; Autoritatile din Malawi au interzis tragerea vanturilor in public; A dat alarma de incendiu ca sa-si salveze berea uitata in tren |
05 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Partenerul de jocuri erotice a rasfatat-o pe Moculeasca la salonul sotiei; Top 5 vedete autohtone care au operatii estetice; Ele sunt romancele care s-au remarcat in industria porno; 6 vedete care au picioare urate |
04 feb. 2011 |
Discovery reshuffles its operations in the region / Three Romanians in the South East European management |
04 feb. 2011 |
Business Report: Din ce traiesc universitatile: cu mai putin de la stat si nimic de la privat; Tabloul complet al investitiilor fondurilor de pensii private in companiile listate la BVB; Cati turisti a pierdut Romania in doi ani de criza. Vezi care este explicatia ministrului Elena Udrea |
04 feb. 2011 |
Politic Show: Adriean Videanu - Boc sa aleaga: premier sau presedinte de partid. Cum se joaca sefia PDL; Un europarlamentar maghiar il acuza pe Gigi Becali ca si-a trimis consilierul sa voteze in locul lui / Becali risca suspendarea |
04 feb. 2011 |
Romanian football player Cristi Chivu, suspended four games in the A series |
04 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 4, 2011 |
04 feb. 2011 |
Black Sea shore in Romania froze due to very low temperatures |
04 feb. 2011 |
PM Emil Boc invited China to invest in Comarnic – Brasov and Sibiu – Pitesti highways |
04 feb. 2011 |
Presa in Diagonala: SUA: New-Yorkul interzice fumatul in parcuri si piete publice; Al-Jihad le cere egiptenilor sa continue lupta "impotriva faraonului si partidului sau putred"; Dunele de nisip de pe Marte nu sunt statice |
04 feb. 2011 |
Al-Jihad le cere egiptenilor sa continue lupta "impotriva faraonului si partidului sau putred" |
04 feb. 2011 |
Egypt protests’ impact on Romanian tourism agencies: possible losses of 12.5 million euro |
04 feb. 2011 |
Faze tari: Pun magneti la contoare ca sa fenteze contorul de apa; Plajele Floridei, amenintate de 100.000 de rechini; A vrut sa trimita un catel intr-un colet postal; Louie e purcelusul care se crede caine |
04 feb. 2011 |
Subiectele Zilei: Clubul arestatilor preventiv arunca in aer Justitia romana: cat au stat dupa gratii si in ce faza li se afla dosarul; Blestemul "Apostol": Anania si Plamadeala s-au turnat cu acelasi nume de cod; Spagile in spitale. Afla cat se da pentru o operatie pe inima sau pentru o cezariana |
04 feb. 2011 |
SUA: New York-ul interzice fumatul in parcuri si piete publice |
04 feb. 2011 |
Judas Priest comes back to Romania |
04 feb. 2011 |
Caru' cu Vedete: Ioana Popescu, traumatizata de prima experienta sexuala: "Iubitul meu era foarte agresiv"; Presupusa amanta a lui Stefan Banica e insarcinata? Ilie, iti plac chiloteii leopard? "Am facut sex cu Mariana in casa compozitorului" |
04 feb. 2011 |
Utile: Dieta sanatoasa: care sunt cele trei reguli de aur; Femeile mostenesc bolile de inima de la mame; Compresele reci te scapa de migrene; |
03 feb. 2011 |
Special correspondence from Egypt, Cristian Botez, freelancer: Friday, the decisive day."There will be war! There will be massacre!" protesters yell |
03 feb. 2011 |
Dunele de nisip de pe Marte nu sunt statice |
03 feb. 2011 |
Libia: Autoritatile au eliberat 12 prizonieri politici |
03 feb. 2011 |
World Bank prepares two new financing programs for Romania worth 750 million euro |
03 feb. 2011 |
About 80 police and customs officers, detained at Siret Custom for traffic of cigarettes/ Traffic in the customs was resumed |
03 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 3, 2011 |
03 feb. 2011 |
Russia accuses EU, US and Romania for pressuring Moldova |
03 feb. 2011 |
Audio interview Freelancer Cristian Botez talks about the latest evolutions of the Egyptian uprising in the Tahrir Square |
02 feb. 2011 |
Next IMF agreement will target the flexibility of the labour market. Labour Code might include a stipulation through which employees could lay off personnel on efficiency grounds |
02 feb. 2011 |
Wikileaks: A Romanian company was supposed to transport automatic guns to Libya |
02 feb. 2011 |
Constantin Nicolescu’s lawyer: even though he committed those crimes, he didn’t have to be arrested / We should consider his invaluable contribution to the Arges county |
02 feb. 2011 |
Romanian journalist Adelin Petrisor and his operator threatened with the knife by civilian Egyptians in Cairo |
02 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers read: February 2, 2011 |
02 feb. 2011 |
Ponta and Antonescu made a deal for the alliance in Nastase’s office / Ponta: the principle of parity stands |
01 feb. 2011 |
Labour force costs in Romania are 50% lower than in Western Europe and the average advantage with the human capital is at the same level as that in the US |
01 feb. 2011 |
Romania to spend 17.2 million lei to promote the “leaf” of the tourist brand on international televisions |
01 feb. 2011 |
Bulgarian press: Bulgaria’s technical report postponed due to Slovenia |
01 feb. 2011 |
Romanian Economy minister: IMF demands liberalization of prices for natural gas and electric energy |
01 feb. 2011 |
What the newspapers say: February 1, 2011 |
01 feb. 2011 |
Wired: how Ramnicu Valcea transformed into Hackerville |