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10 mai 2007 Ziarul Financiar Cristiana Groza
manager with the 3 footwear producers, told ZF. Germany's Ara AG has been present on the domestic ...
collection in its own firms of Romania, Portugal, Austria, Germany and Indonesia, the entire ...
production is exported to Germany and Austria, wherefrom it is sold to customers. The entire production of ...
21 mar. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Mihai Bobocea, Cristiana Groza
Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, and, lately, Bulgaria and Slovakia. Second in preference were ...
more profitable. "For ski trips, 90% of tourists chose Austria. Trips to exotic locations were ...
19 feb. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Cristiana Groza
Numarul innoptarilor turistilor romani in Austria a crescut anul trecut cu 54%, inregistrand cea ...
mai mare crestere procentuala, potrivit unei statistici a Hochrechnung Austria, citata de Ambasada ...
turisti cazati in Austria au provenit din Germania, reprezentand 40,9% din innoptarile totale, insa ...
15 feb. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Ioana David, Cristiana Groza
facilities in Austria, Germany, UK, France and Russia. Our reasons for investing in Romania are primarily ...
15 feb. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Ioana David, Cristiana Groza
facilitati de productie in Austria, Germania, Marea Britanie, Franta si Rusia. Motivele pentru care am ...
14 feb. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Doru Pop, Cristiana Groza
magazin Jolidon la Milano", a declarat pentru ZF Transilvania Gabriel Cirlig, proprietarul companiei ...
, Ungaria, Germania, Elvetia, Belgia, Slovenia, Croatia, Polonia, Letonia, Rusia, Austria, Cipru, Malta ...
14 feb. 2007 Ziarul Financiar Doru Pop, Cristiana Groza
, the company's owner told ZF Transilvania. He added the deal would be both self-funded and paid for ...
, Latvia, Russia, Austria, Cyprus, Malta, United States, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Lebanon and ...