Since Romania is going to the dogs, why shouldn't PDSR give, once again, a helping hand. Maybe it is more correct to say Ion Iliescu's company rather than PDSR. For, what PDSR has been doing for a few months, is nothing but the bladder secretion of Romania's former president. A former president to whom Opposition means "the worse, the better", in the purest Bolshevik- revolutionary manner. To Ion Iliescu, the democratic game of alternation for the ruling power, of tough, intelligent confrontation, but on consensual basis, is just a whim. The problem is, regardless what the present ruling coalition is doing, there is no longer room for a revolution, be it soft or cannon ball. There has been left room only for chaos, despair and political terror, namely for Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Gheorghe Funar (extremist Great Romania Party). Under the circumstances, PDSR has to choose between keeping the little democratic civilization in its relationship with the ruling power, or at least part of it, or to do favours to above-mentioned irresponsible people. That is to become courtyard beaters. In vain Ion Iliescu poses as the spiritual leader of the current opposition. It's needless for a long time. Iliescu's popularity and due to him, PDSR's popularity, is nothing but an inertial residue. Things changed a long time ago. Things changed to Vadim's benefit long ago. Since "the old man of Oltenita" let the PRM leader caress his top, in front of his own supporters. The PDSR problem is not to embarrass the current ruling coalition. It is embarrassing itself. The PDSR problem is not to let slip the population's dissatisfactions on PRM hands, at least lest as a party it shouldn't become a PRM annex. As the process is ongoing, maybe at peak, PDSR needs a radical route change. More than ever, PDSR needs a real restructuring. A policy, personnel, strategy restructuring. If it still hopes to