The PDSR program is a typically Romanian strategy, full of unknown data that gives no final clue, but sprinkled with remarkable pulses, some of them being worth a whole Radu Vasile program. Besides the tactical nuances, we could synthesize the objectives the European Union, IMF, the World Bank, the common sense, the population's interests and Romania's natural interests "impose" to the new government in Bucharest like this: to keep a low, diminishing inflation, to finalize the privatization process, including the bank field, to massively attract direct foreign investments and to eliminate the big monopolies in the Romanian economy (energy and gas in particular), monopolies that impoverish the population and the business filed at the same degree. As secondary objectives, we can distinguish the stabilization of the legislative and institutional frames, without which the foreign investments and the internal ones have no chance here. What does the PDSR program offer and how could we characterize this offer? In the macroeconomic field, PDSR's target is the one registered in the medium run strategy agreed with the European Union: inflation under 10% in 2004. In 2001, the budgetary deficit is to amount to 4% - we are said - because of the electoral expenses of the Isarescu cabinet, so that in 2002 this amount to the one in the strategy, to around 3%. These macro results, as it is impossible to make it other way, should be obtained by the agency of selective budgetary and fiscal politics, that is favoring certain sectors considered priority sectors. As for the privatization process, the PDSR program stipulates its acceleration, but only if by the privatization we should obtain "re-capitalization, modernization, investments and a management superior of the commercial societies". As for the middle and small investors, be they Romanian or foreign, they will be helped by the eli