HealthOur readers ask. "I suffer from allergo-infected sinusitis and articular rheumatism". I have had health problems for almost 6 years. At first, I did not pay any attention to them, but little by little they have started to affect me. I suffer from allergo-infected sinusitis, as some doctors tell...
HealthOur readers ask
"I suffer from allergo-infected sinusitis and articular rheumatism"
I have had health problems for almost 6 years. At first, I did not pay any attention to them, but little by little they have started to affect me. I suffer from allergo-infected sinusitis, as some doctors tell me, or, as others say, from allergo- infected rhinitis or bilateral frontal sinusitis. Because of this sinusitis, I permanently have the sensation of pressure inside my head, eye pains, frontal headaches, which, especially in the morning, make me feel absent-minded, dizzy, depressed; other effects are the lack of concentration, the decrease of memory etc. Many times, even when the weather is sunny, I feel a terrible pressure in my frontal area; this pressure gives me terrible headaches, a sensation of dizziness sensations and makes me nervous. Let me also mention that in 1996, as a consequence of a hit, I was left with a rather serious peripheral nervous atrophy. I ran a sinuses radiography which showed that I had a thickened mucous or a benignant tumor. High atmospheric pressure, cold air and strong humidity make me feel bad. I have undergone a lot of treatments, but with no effect. Another disease I suffer from is articular rheumatism. I have terrible pains at my right leg, below my knee. I used anti-rheumatic ointments and I take a lot of exercise. I also suffer from cervical spondylosis. Please, recommend me a natural treatment so that the effects of the sinusitis, nervous atrophy and cervical spondylosis could be diminished. I only wan