Discutie moderata de Arnd Wesemann (limba engleza)
- orele 10.00-15.00, masa rotunda la Goethe Institut
Este dansul un „derivat“ al teatrului? Doar de 150 de ani dansul este acceptat ca o arta scenica, cu un stil structural geometric si narativ, dar de atunci, incalcind aceste „canoane“ stilistice, dansul a devenit un „proscris“, din cauza infatisarii sale non-geometrice si non-narative. Singura exceptie o reprezinta Tanz-Theater, care este, prin definitie, o marturisire facuta teatrului insusi (scenei insesi). Toate celelalte forme si stiluri nu provin, intr-adevar, dintr-o arta scenica, ci din una a petrecerii: de la tango la hip-hop, de la dansul contemporan (vezi deja dansul in picioarele goale de la Monte Veritá) la contactul improvizat – nici unul dintre aceste dansuri n-a fost inteles doar ca o arta de scena. Si totusi, pina azi, continuam sa consideram teatrul ca unicul spatiu legitim de desfasurare a dansului. N-a sosit oare vremea sa conturam un spatiu aparte al dansului, „dezlegat“ de scena?
Does dance derive from theatre? Only since about 150 years dance has been accepted as a stage art due to its geometrical and narrative style – but ever since it broke these „rules“, dance has become an „outlaw“ for its non-narrational, non-geometrical appearance. The only exception has been Tanz-Theater, which is, by definition, a confession to theatre itself. All other forms and styles indeed do not derive from a stage art but from the feast: from Tango to Hip-Hop, from Contemporary (see the bare feted dancing on Monte Veritá, already) to Contact Improvisation – none of these dance forms have been meant as a mere stage art. But until today we are looking for theatres as the only performance space. Isn’t it time to (re-)invent a profiled space for dance apart the theatres?
Arnd Wesemann
Ballet Tanz