ION CRISTOIU - June 21 2004
Not even now, at the end of the second round of voting, is one to know for sure which political party won the local elections. The Social Democrat Party says it won, pointing out the number of mayors it got. The National Liberal Party - Democrat Party Alliance says it won too, showing off the number of councilors it has in the county councils.
The bickering took national proportions when the media jumped in taking the two opposing views too: and this is bound to upset the common sense of lay citizens.
They know it for a fact that of two dogs fighting for a bitch only one is the winner: the one that gets to mate; and yet, here they have two winners at the same time to contemplate.
This nonsense would be funny, had the political fight not turn stronger than at the time of electoral campaigning!
During the electoral campaign the parties were vying for votes. Now they fight to wear the winning badge, not for the sake of wearing the laurels, but for a very precise and immediate interest ...
If the sole aim of winning the local elections would have been presenting the communities with the best candidates possible, then we would have not witnessed this mind-blowing fight over who won more votes. In that case both the SDP and the NLP-DP Alliance would ask their elected mayors and councilors to start their work with no further delay. During the electoral campaign both sides accused each other that they did nothing for the well-being of the citizens who gave them the previous mandates; now it would be the time for all of them apply themselves to the job and show the accusations were baseless.
The only problem is that winning the local elections is not a target in itself for either side. Both of them regarded winning the local elections as a step-stone towards winning the general elections in the fa