Marwan Abu Ubeida is Iraqi, 20 years old and dreams of killing Americans. This is how American magazine "Time" is describing the young "martyr", member of the group of Jordanian Abu Mussab al-Zarkawi. Romanian daily newspaper "Evenimentul Zilei" published a few excerpts from the innovative interview in which the suicide-terrorist makes his shattering confession: "first, I will ask Allah to bless my mission with as many American victims as possible. Then, I will ask him to purify my soul, so that I would be worthy of seeing him and I will ask him to see my brothers, who are standing next to him already. However, the most important of all is for him to let me kill as many Americans as possible."
In December 2003, I wrote an article called "The After-Effect Capture", published in the book "The Upside-Down Romania". There, I was saying capturing Saddam was a useless victory, because "this means the beginning of the concerns for the invaders of Baghdad, that have recently celebrated their victory, clearly confessing that <>". Actually, Iraq became a place of endless deaths from that moment. There were no natural causes for that. A very serious disease kills the people, terrorism, and the soldiers with bushed brains have brought its germs in the old Mesopotamian hearth. Marwan himself admits that, even if he didnât agree with the Saddam regime, he was expecting the "hamburgered" rescuers to leave, "but they kept on staying". He, like many other Iraqi people, decided to die only after he would have killed a few cursed Yankees. He cannot forgive them, because, in the summer of 2003, they shot to death 12 people gathered in the yard of the Falluja school. That was the moment in which he sworn to revenge the unhappy people killed in front of his eyes. He chose Allah to be his guide by putting his mind to order and clearing his needless soul. He had too much injustice,