The Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs (MAIA) is to ask the Government for the approval for purchasing several helicopters with the total value of 165 million euros.
In July, Jurnalul National was the first newspaper to announce that the representatives of the ministry have elaborated and posted on the institutionâs website - for public consultation - a project to ask for the approval of the Executive regarding the commercial contracts for purchasing more helicopters for the air patrol and the surveillance of the frontiers.
A PILE OF MONEY The respective project says that the commercial documents will be made based on the valid laws regarding the public purchasing. The Romanian Government is ready to pay an immense sum, 165 million euros, for this and the payment should be made by installments during a period of 4 years, 2006-2009. As an answer for the Jurnalul National "fog", the institution led by Vasile Blaga appealed to the "depth of the air resources". It happened in an emotional moment, it was the beginning of the devastating floods this summer.
As a consequence of the started scandal, the project remained aside for a period of time. However, right after the end of the education strike, caused by the serious under-financing, MAIA forwarded again the idea of the renewal of the armada. The aircrafts in the project are to be used for patrol, surveillance of frontiers, interventions in case of fire, transport of the special intervention troops, and for the humanitarian missions.
THE BENEFICIARY This summer, Jurnalul National also revealed the possible beneficiary of this entire deal. More clues, the fact that the sum in the project is in euro, the affiliation to EADS, the licensee of the contract (which was initially criticized and then continued by the present Government) for the frontier security, led to Eurocopt